blatant astonishment

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“Kaaarrrr-bbrrooo…?” the ludicrously lengthened way he had been sighing at you like that to at least attempt to wake you up was entirely preposterous but highly effective. You groaned and groggily opened your eyes while shifting on the strangely comfortable daybed. At first you didn’t exactly remember where you were and how the hell you had gotten there. “Whoa, where the fuck am-“ you gasped after suddenly sitting upright, wide eyed and clawing at the fabric of the blanket covering you.

Never the less you slowly began to recall everything.  And when you say everything you meant everything. What had you been thinking?! Doing that with some random stranger! That was the point wasn’t it? You hadn’t been thinking! And now you looked over to see that same jester sitting cross-legged on the floor beside your position lying on the futon. Except he was also munching on a pop tart and watching you sleep. Or really trying to wake you up so you couldn’t exactly deem him a disturbed creeper whom enjoyed observing your slumber.

“What the fuck, Gamzee?” you groaned while putting a hand to your head. Gog you had the absolute worst headache that wasn’t helped by the fact that the light streaming in from the windows and the insignificant sliding glass door that was now uncloaked by darkening shades. You brought a hand to your face and hurriedly rubbed at your eyes with the back of it. You decided to ignore the juggalo currently reaching for his fifth pop tart that waited on the coffee table beside him.

“Well since you all up and got your motherfucking wake on,” he paused to rip the wrapper from the pastry and take a sizable bite from it before continuing. “I’m gonna go ahead and take myself a motherfucking shower.” You didn’t really hear what he had said because your attention was more focused on the pop tart he then offered you. For gogs sake for hadn’t eaten in what seemed like forever. In other words, the pathetic pastries didn’t stand a chance. He chuckled while he collected himself from the floor only to walk from your field of vision. You quickly swiveled your head to watch him stride towards a door you hadn’t noticed the night before. He was unbuckling his belt and working on his jeans as he did so, a detail that had you quickly averting your eyes.

“doesn’t that fuckass understand privacy and personal space?!” you mumbled out loud while bunching up the wrapper much the same way he had earlier when he had finished his.  The only exception being you didn’t chuck it into the floor as he had neglected but instead tossed it onto the coffee table.  You groaned at the mess the place was in and how despondently visible it was now that the room was lit by sunlight and not the insufficient candles, computers, and pools of moonlight. Gog, you swore to clean it up later but entertained the thought that the asshole would probably screw it back up as soon as you’d finally tidied the inopportune mess up.

You glanced at the door Gamzee had disappeared through that was now closed with the cleansing sounds of the shower running emitting from it. For the slightest moment you thought you might have heard him singing but then with a frown of disappointment you realized it was someone at the door. You stood up, running a hand through you dark hair and shuddering at the memory of his hands doing the same. He wouldn’t be able to hear the knocking and voice of someone outside, you figured as you meticulously picked your way to the door.  “hhheeyy asshole open the damn door!” you jumped at the harsh tone but found yourself almost laughing at the ridiculous lisp this guy had.

Your hand gripped the doorknob and with a twist you opened the door to view the second weirdest guy you’d seen yet. “eh, who the fuck are you?” at the sight of the peculiar guy who most of been your age you couldn’t resist but asking. He glared back at you from behind 3D glasses not unlike the ones they used in movie theaters. When he reached a hand up to push his weird black bangs behind his ears your attention was drawn to his even weirder hair. To be honest, you wondered if he actually styled his hair upside down with moose to keep it at that upturned angle and yet then the gravity defying way it flatten out. You cocked your head to the side and watched him as he quickly replied in that say odd lisp.

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