with one week prior

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“What the hell?! That was me asshole!” his lisp made you grin and tap that much more harder on the L4 button you knew would send your Spartan into a trigger-happy frenzy of flying bullets. And aimed where? Straight at your yellow teammate causing the screen to light up and that annoying fuckass in the background to state the obvious, ‘BETRAYAL’. It was enough to enrage him and the adequate amount of staged irony to have you snickering in the triumph of your revenge.

You knew he would get even more provoked when the kill cam zoomed in extra theatrically intimate to view his traitorous demise in the most excellent way possible. “Oh pardon my blatant lack of fuck giving on the account that I’d just received, and in no more than an equivalent manner, my exquisite fan-fucking-tastic retribution. It is sweet. As sweet as fuck, may I add.” And you had added it. Right after he erupted with an enraged growl and threw down his xbox controller.

You pulled your lip to the side in a mock smirk while he glowered at you from behind his 3D glasses and bared his teeth at you in a malice provoked expression. You could practically see the steam shooting from his ears and the lightening bolting from his eyes. He actually seemed to get pissed more frequently and with less provoking than you did. Which was definitely worth crediting seeing how you were now making it your soul duty to do just that.

Piss him off, that is.

“Do you even possess significant knowledge on how to play this fucking game? You don’t kill your teammates and you don’t commit suicide, which it seems you rather enjoy!” he yelled while throwing his hands up and exciting the party the two of you had been participating in with other teammates you now faintly heard protesting through your headset with a profane slew of childish cursing.

You were only slightly impressed he had been able to say ‘possess’ but since he had succeeded in saying ‘accessories’ earlier you weren’t all that awed.  You gripped your white cordless controller tighter before licking your lips to answer him.

“Did you seriously just rage quite, Sol? Oh how mature.” You snickered much to his obvious enragement and clear distress. You dropped your controller then, tossing it on the ottoman and leaning back into the extraordinarily comfortable beige couch. You wiped the slight sheen of sweat from your palms onto your light grey t-shirt while he took a breath to rant right back at you.

“You know what? Fuck you, Kk.” He sighed crossing his arms over his chest defiantly and glaring at you from the side of his vision crossly. You only shrugged your shoulders and stared right back at him innocently until he decided to say something. “Ugh, fuck fine! Since apparently you can’t actually play a game without intentional falsities why don’t we just go get lunch?”

You raised an eyebrow incredulously while stealing a quick glance at the glowing red numbers of the digital clock slightly obscured by his shoulder. Lunch? “It’s 11 pm dumbass.” A little late for lunch in fact you hadn’t realized so much time had passed. You faintly wondered if Gamz was back yet or more importantly if he was going to come back whenever he so well damn chose to…

“So?” he replied with an air of nonchalance that was carried out when he gestured to nothing in particular before intentionally shifting so that his shoulder now obscured your entire view of the clock. Fine. Besides you were rather hungry anyway and just to emphases that point your stomach decided to give a growl of impatience right then and there. You scowled at his grin of triumph while he quickly collected himself from the couch to saunter over to the refrigerator.

 His apartment was marginally different from Gamzee’s you had noticed, even though they were in the same building. His was a bit larger and housed a small alcove as a bedroom. Like a loft, you thought crossly, wondering if the old man presumed the juggalo’s room was identical to this one. Which it wasn’t in more ways than one.

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