Chapter Eleven Konran, Kurushimaru, Chishiki wa chikaradearu

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He glanced around him frowning at his new surroundings, somewhat hesitantly. It was always the same, and every time it happened, he hated it as much if not more each time. Shaking his head, his eyes lingered on the dark pools, and the large withering tree situated in the middle of said pool. Even with him being there, it still wasn't enough without a strong bond for death to elude the boy. Kazuki's charge was dying, and he was now standing there giving just enough energy for him to remain breathing. His light blue eyes could make out the boy's still form within the water, but it was faint and not moving.

Taizo ran his fingers over the surrounding shrubs around the pool and sighed at the darkness that had lingered there. Whatever Mazushimaru had been, there were little to no traces of it left. Most of the rot was fading away, but it had drained a lot of the boy's spirit, and will. What traces of the rot that were left were vanishing slowly.His heart still ached at the loss of his former host, being the only one in his long existence to form an emotional bond with. He never would have agreed to that bond had he known that Kazuki's life was shortened.

His eyes trailed to the end of the pools near the tree, and he frowned. With careful steps, Taizo maneuvered around the water avoiding anyand all contact with it and towards the large golden shimmering massthat covered the area from end to end. Curiously, he walked up to itand peered into a small spot that appeared to be clearer. Squinting, he could just make out a figure behind the golden wall, but it didn't appear to be moving.

Shaking his head, he turned his back on the gold wall and looked at the silent pools once again. The minute he decided to step into the pools and place his hand on the tree of life, it would seal his fate once again to another host. Taizo wasn't so sure he wanted that. He snorted and turned around again, only to yelp in surprise and jump back as he came face to face with a large red eye peering at him from behind the gold wall.

Squinting again, he got closer and peered at the eye. It was a youki, in its true form. Stepping back, he lifted his eyes to the golden wall looking for any signs that signaled a way to break it. If this wasSeihomaru's youki behind that thing, then he would be free of any obligation on keeping the boy alive. Taizo lifted his hand and placed it against the wall, and pushed, only to be met with resistance. So it couldn't be pushed over. Placing his finger to his lip, he noticed the youki stand to its full height. Causing Taizo to bend his neck at an awkward angle just to stare up at it.

'You know, you can change into any form you desire.' Taizo grumbled, lowering his gaze so he didn't have to look up and twist his neck. Either the youki didn't hear him, or just ignored him, shrugging his shoulders, Taizo turned away and walked towards the pools, looking at the still form of Seihomaru once more. Between him and the boy was the water, and even though he wanted to ensure the boy still breathed in his living form by checking the spiritual one, he couldn't bring himself to step into the water to do so. He growled at the situation.

'Does he live?' A soft murmur came from behind him.

Taizo turned around surprised. 'He does, barely.'

'Yet you do not step foot to assist him.'

'You know why I do not.' Taizo grumbled frustrated.

'Do I?' The voice questioned.

Taizo walked back to the golden wall and peered at the humanoid form. So he had heard him. 'If you are not aware of the reason, then that would mean this is your first host.'

Green eyes peered through the gold wall to stare at him. 'How observant.' He mocked.

'Indeed.' Taizo interjected.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 07, 2021 ⏰

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