Chapter 3:Ni~Tsu hayai apurōchi

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The quiet of the room was deafening as Seiho stood there thinking on his fate. In his hands the revised scrolls were forgotten and crunched together as he made fists in his frustration. He still had no answers to the other questions he had lingering in the back of his mind. Only the most disturbing had been answered, and he wasn't so sure now if he had wanted that answer. He sighed in defeat and turned away from the shelf, only to jump startled as the door to the records room flew off the track and break into shards.

Seiho blinked in surprise and swallowed at the red eyes of his personal guard. Kazuki stood there, heaving, seemingly out of breath, the look of death upon his face.

"I will chain you to the stone walls beneath this house, in the cellars, little kono yarou!" Kazuki raged.

Seiho held up his hands, forgetting about the scrolls still clenched in them, and backed up against the wall. "I had good reason. I swear it."

Kazuki narrowed his eyes and stared at his young charge. "You almost got yourself killed, not to mention every one of us who came after you!" He snarled. "Your adviser is recovering in the healing room, barely alive!"

"Will he live?" Seiho whispered, almost forgetting about his friends quick thinking and protecting all of them.

"He will, no thanks to you. I wish you would stop racing off on these foolish treks of yours. It's madness, and if you wish to change your peoples worries about the approaching day when you take your father's youki, and hopefully not his madness, you will cease going out on your own." Kazuki took a few deep breaths.

Seiho shuddered at the rage that emitted off his guard. With a sigh he muttered. "That was why I went in search for the historian." Once again being reminded of the impending doom that threatened his mind once he took his father's youki fully.

Kazuki glanced up.

"It's already started." He breathed.

"What has?" Kazuki frowned.

"The flashes, the dreams, the blackouts." Seiho turned away from his guard and knelt at the small table.

"Impossible. You have not even taken your father's youki yet."

"True, but from what the historian tells me, it has to do with the blood that flows through my veins as well as taking my father's youki. It will only get worse and intensify once I take my fathers power." Seiho snorted. As a second thought, Seiho stood and moved his way past Kazuki and into the hall.

"Where in all hells do you think you are going now?" He snarled, his blood ice at the news that his young charge had already started his decent to madness, earlier than his father had.

"To see Turari and apologize." Seiho grumbled.

Kazuki raised his brow but followed his charge shaking his head. Dread filled him as his mind ran in all directions. He had a duty to his young lord, to protect him but how would he do that if the whole of the clan found out that Seiho had already experienced the onslaught of insanity.

"Did you see him?" Seiho asked quietly, guilt starting to flood through him.

"I did. He will recover, but he almost died using all his energy to throw up that shield." Kazuki muttered darkly.

Seiho stopped and furrowed his brow. "You thought it was a shield too? The historian said it wasn't"

"Oh?" Kazuki breathed.

"It matters not, I need to see for myself that Turari will be alright."

Kazuki nodded and followed silently as his mind went over the days' events. Something did not sit right with him, and it was something he now needed to look into and figure out just exactly what happened with Turari and his so-called shield. He had two pending issues to deal with. One was to protect Seiho even if that meant from himself and the oncoming insanity if the historian was correct in that it had started, and the other was to figure out just what the adviser was up to. The guard barely even registered entering the healing room, or most of the conversation his young charge had with his adviser until the matter of the said shield came to topic.

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