Chalice's awakening

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Speaking out loud
Rouser's voice.
Undead speaking

(In Edmonton)

Ghost was at his house, waiting for a package to be dropped off at his door, as he had ordered the CSM Blaybuckle, as he had all four Dx versions of the buckles from blade, including their weapons, and now has a chance to have a set that will complete his cosplay costume of blade. He hears a knock at his door and goes to open it, but finds no one, but his package including another one, that had his name on it as well.

Ghost: I only ordered one, what could this be?

Ghost picks up the extra package as well and brings them in. He opens the first one and sees that it is the CSM blaybuckle, just like he ordered and is happy.

Ghost: Finally, now my cosplay is complete with this. Now what about you, mysterious package.

He goes to open it and what he saw surprised him. A chalice rouser was in the box along with two rouse cards, and a note. He picked up the note and it said.

Hello, Mr.Rebenok.
I know you didn't order this but I have chosen you to fight against the undead that have risen in another world. You will face them on your own, but the powers of every undead is yours to use as long as you have their rouse cards. You'll also have a motorcycle to become the shadow Racer. Good luck in the new world.
From no one.

Ghost: From No one? That's what they decided to call themselves, and I have been chosen? This joke is really funny, it's like I'm in one of those self insert fic's.

He looked at the buckle before a bright light came from the card beside it, growing brighter and brighter. Ghost didn't know what was happening but felt a tingling sensation on his back before he was off the ground and sent to who knows where.

(On the outskirts of Orario)

Ghost was laying on the ground, groaning as he slowly got up. He gets and and feels his face and realizes that his mask isn't on, and frantically looks around before seeing it on the ground. He picks it up and sees that it's intact and gets up from the ground and felt something on his waist and looked down and saw the chalice buckle strapped around him. He touched it and found it felt like real metal, not plastic like the toys, and when he tried to take it off, it would not budge at all. He got up and looked around before seeing two rouse cards along with a crystal. He picks up the cards and the crystal and see that they are the spirit and chalice ace respectively. He has no idea what the crystal could be and puts it in his pocket for later. Ghost than looks down at the chalice buckle before hearing a strange voice in the back of his mind.

Find! Fight!

Ghost looks around trying to see who said those words, but saw no one around him, but he soon saw a large tower in the distance. He could make out a wall surrounding it.

Ghost: I hope that's a city around it, otherwise I'm screwed if I don't know where I am.

Ghost than thinks about how some people might react to his belt and so concentrates on begins walking towards the tower, hoping that anyone is their to help him. After an hour and a half, he sees the main gate, and heads towards it. He gets close to the entrance when two guards come out.

Guard: State your business, Stranger.

Ghost: I was wondering what this place is?

The guards look at each other in confusion.

Guard: This is Orario, the main hub for the gods.

Ghost: Hold on did you say, Orario?

Guard: Yes.

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