Demigods React #20

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Demigods React #20


Percy Nemo Jackson

Annabeth Chase

Hazel Levesque :)

White Bianca


Super-sized McSizzle







Honey Boo Boo
First video: Toddlers and Tiaras
Drew: Toddlers and Tiaras!

Lou: She's a beauty queen?

Hazel: They are wasting a pile of toilet papers.

Leo: (mimics) Me honey boo boo child. I thought I'll never see this again.

Percy: (spits out a little)

Annabeth: Special juice? What's that?

Piper:Urgh! The makeup is so unrealistic.

Luke: She doesn't look like a child anymore!

Charles: Hahaha.

Percy: Who is that woman?

Jason: (facepalms)

Thalia: This bitch has no class at all.

Lou: What's she wearing?

Zoe: I woult never wear tis outfit.

Bianca: She's sad because she didn't have a big trophy and a tiara. Okay...?

Silena: Alana, those are plastic. Don't tell me you're sad over some plastic material.

Question Time
Stolls: What did you just watched?

Zoe: A girl who claimed herself as a beauty queen.

Charles: Honey Boo Boo child.

Luke: Alana.

Stolls: What part made you feel suprised?

Hazel: Everything!

Bianca: Her mother gave her the special juice.

Piper: The horrible makeup makes her looks like a clown.

Stolls: Do you watch the show Todlers and Tiaras?

Drew: Yes. Every episode.

Leo: Only this episode.

Annabeth: I don't really like pagent shows.

Stolls: Have you been to a beauty pagent?

Silena: Does Camp Half-Blood's Aphrodite Beauty Grace Competition count?

Thalia: I don't go to pagents, I ruin them.

Percy: (blushes) My mom-kinda brought me to a baby pagent and I got the- first place.

Stolls: Ha! We got your secret, Jackson.

Percy: Can you don't show this footage?

Stolls: Do you think having a children beauty pagent is right or wrong?

Annabeth: Children pagent is a type of child exploitation. They just use the child to get money instantly.

Hazel: The child should have a wonderful childhood. But the parents just filled it with pagents.

Leo: Our childhood, were mostly chased by monsters. These mortals, just waste their precious childhood for some pagent.

Stolls: If you have children, will you allow them to take part in a pagent?

Charles: I'll never let them take part in any pagents before they start middle school.

Silena: Charlie, do you want to tell our children that I won the contest at 10?

Charles: Just keep it as a secret.

Bianca: I'll never let my child to join some pointless contest.

Luke: If my kids want to take part, I'll beat the crap out of him/her.

Stolls: Pagents build public speaking skills and confidence, do you agree with that?

Lou: I can't see how pagents could build speaking skills.

Zoe: Lady Artemis has plenty of activities that can build up confidence. Why do they want to join a mere pagent?

Thalia: You don't really have to take part in a pagent. There's a lot of contest out there waiting for you.

Stolls: Do you think the children wanted or being forced to join the pagent?

Percy: Kids would probably say,'My mommy made me do it.' But parents say,' Oh she loves showing off.'

Drew: Who doesn't want to be a beauty queen?

Piper: It's oblivious that they were forced!

Stolls: What do you wish to tell the parents about letting their children to join beauty pagents?

Jason: Your children have beautiful and cute faces. Don't apply chemical substances on them.

Charles: Dear parents, please give your offspring a pleasant childhood that we demigods barely have.

Hazel: Stop adding pressure on your child! Stop toturing them! Please!

Lou: This is another episode of Demigods React. Thanks for supporting.

Annabeth: Your child is beautiful no matter what. Don't make her become a pre-mature child.

Drew: See ya, babes. (blows kisses)

Leo: (in Honey Boo-boo voice) I'm going to be the Miss Universal.

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