Demigods React #23

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Movies that were adapted from Greeco-Roman Mythology were strictly banned by the Olympians in 1997. In this episode, we are going to let demigods and creatures reacting to one of these banned movies with the permission of Zeus. -Travis and Connor Stoll

Demigods React #23


Percy Nemo Jackson

Annabeth Chase






Ghost King

Praetor Reyna






Disney's Hercules

Rachel: (facepalms)

Piper: ****iest Greek Myth based movie ever.

Silena: I thought there are nine muses. Where are the other four?

Thalia: (sarcastically) Oh my gods! There's me! Thalia the muse.

Zoe: Hercules wasn't born as a god. He was once a demigod.
Reyna: Didn't Hera hated Hercules? Why does he end up as Zeus and Hera's child?

Annabeth: Oh no! Is that Hera? There's no way she's Hera! She couldn't be this...motherly.

(thunder rumbles)

Annabeth: I really mean every word and I'm not regretting it!

Percy: Pegasus is made from the clouds? Isn't he sprung from Medusa's head? I know is Disney but at least tell the children the right thing!

Nico: Holy ****! Hades doesn't look like this! I'm sure he isn't the god who acts like a drama queen and act very humorous.

Hazel: I can't imagine that the real Pluto's hair is made of fire.

Jason: Since when Hades becomes a drama queen?

Grover: The Underworld doesn't look like this. And souls don't live in the River Styx. Where's Charon anyway?

Frank: I don't remember that there were demons called Pain and Panic in Mythology.

Charles: They looked like clumsy baffoons.

Calypso: The fates don't just laugh at people who are dead. And they don't share one eye. That was the Greyon sisters.

Percy: The eye remind me the time we rode the Grryon Sisters' cab.

Rachel: When the Fates became oracles?

Nico: For the last time people, Father doesn't like to be the king of cosmos.

Jason: It's not possible to strip out a deity's immortality, unless you're Zeus, of course.

Piper: The burglar system on Mount Olympus is terrible. I though they have petrol duty at night.

Annabeth: Hera crying over Hercules? That's new.

Zoe: There is no formula to strip away one's immortality.

Tyson: That isn't the way to become a demigod. A demigod is the child of a god and a mortal.

Thalia: Dad wouldn't mind if one of his kids has gone.

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