Crossing paths

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Your P.O.V
I woke up to my alarm blaring in my ears, its 5am and I have to drive to Maryland because Katsucon officially starts tomorrow. I finally have a booth there now because in this past year I gained clout from a collab that myself, Emma, and Theo did a while back.

I get up and head to the kitchen and make some coffee because I need to stay awake for the drive. I walk down the hall and back into my bedroom and get dressed, I stick on some black leggings, an oversized black t-shirt and some mint green fluffy socks because, soft. I get my phone out and find Theo's contact, and FaceTime him. We talk for awhile until it reaches 6:30 and we agreed for me to meet Theo and Emma there. I get both of my suitcases and my makeup bag and head to my car. After a long 4 and 1/2 hours I finally arrive at my hotel, I get into my room  and fall on my bed.

I text Theo and say that I'm at the hotel after two minutes I hear a knock on my door, I open it and get suffocated in a hug. Half an hour passed and we all decide to check out the con floor, we all head to our booths and set up our merch and photos on our tables and to put up our backdrops and stuff. By now its 4pm and I tell Emma and Theo that I'm going to Starbucks. I walk across the street to Starbucks.

As I'm waiting in line I feel a tap on my shoulder.

"Hey you're here for Kastsucon right?" I turn around to see Amanda aka the one and only Akrcos, I've liked her for like ever but besides the point.
"Yes I am" I replied, I stuttered, damn her being so fine!
" I'm Amanda, nice to meet you"

"I know who you are, you're like the celebrity of the cosplay community"

"I wouldn't say celebrity but yeah I guess I'm well known, but I just wanted to introduce myself formally to a cute girl that I just met"

"I'm flattered, truly also my name is Y/N"

"Nice to meet you Y/N"

"I'll see you tomorrow Amanda"

"Or maybe tonight?" She winked at me

"That's cute, goodbye Amanda"

"Bye bye"

And with that I turned to the woman at the cash register and she took my order and then I waited for my drink, I got it and left for my hotel room. Once I'm safe in my room I hear a notification. I look down at my phone and see that its a notification from instagram, I click on it and its Amanda.

Akrcos- hey cutie ;)

Your username- hello Amanda

Akrcos- you wanna come to my room?

Y/U/N- sure, what room number are you?

Akrcos- wow I was not expecting a yes but okay then, room 227

Y/U/N- I'll be there in 10

I click off of the app and get dressed into some ripped mom jeans and a white t-shirt and headed over to room 227. I knock on the door and Amanda opened it with a smirk.

"You look nice"

"Oh just shush and let me in Amanda"

"Okay, okay" she smiled and moved aside.

I walk in and sit on her bed.
"So, why'd you invite me over?"

"Cause I kinda think I like you"

"I'm flattered"

"So are you coming to the pre-con party?"

"The what?"

"The pre-con party, all the people who have booths here all have a party where we all meet each other before the actual con begins"

"Oh I will definitely be there then"


Amanda sits next to me and I get up and sit on her lap, straddling her
"Are you gonna keep me safe at this party?"

"Of course I will" Amanda says back to me. Don't let my confident facade fool you, I'm absolutely terrified on the inside but it's fine, it's fine.
"So y/n why're you straddling me?"

"Do you not like it, i can get off" I say whist getting almost getting off before Amanda grabbed my hips and pulled me back down and hugged me. I hugged her back but after a while I had to go back to my room
"So what time is this pre-con party?"

"It's start at 7"

I look at my phone and see that it is 5pm now so I kiss Amanda's cheek and head off back to my room. I pull out my phone, ring Theo and tell him to get his ass to my room. When he walked in I grabbed his arm and dragged him to sit on my bed
"So I have soooo much to fill you in on"

"Go" was all he said, i then explained everything to him and his face was priceless.

"So let me get this straight, you met Amanda at Starbucks and she told you, you were cute and you basically rejected her even tho you've liked her for a longggg time and then she invites you to her room and THEN you STRADDLE HER, YOU STRADDLED AMANDA!!!"
"Yes that would be correct, ooo also there a party at 7"

"Okay me and Emma will be there but I gotta go and get ready have fun with Amandaaaaa"

"Oh shush Theo"
And with that he walked out the door.

Akrcos x fem! ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now