Last day of con

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Y/ns P.O.V

I wake up to someone shaking my shoulder, I sit up and look at amanda.

"What time is it?" I say whilst rubbing my eyes

"It's 8am babe"

"Okay, my head hurts so much"

"Awe love, I'll go get you water, yeah?"

"Thank youuu" I say and she heads towards the door but before Amanda gets to the door she turns around

"Get dressed we're going to IHOP for pancakes" and with that she walks out the door, I groan and get up.

I slip on a beige hoodie and some black leggings, Amanda comes back with a black T-shirt on and jeans. She hands me the bottled water and she places two pills in my hand.

"They'll help with the headache" amanda says and kisses me on the forehead. I swallow the pills and we head to IHop. Once we arrive we sit in a booth and order some food, I order some pancakes, bacon and syrup and Amanda orders some blueberry pancakes. Amanda pulls out her phone and her eyes widened.

"What is it?" I ask

"Um, look at this"

She shows me her phone and I see that Liz had posted a video of Amanda and I on her story and normally there'd be nothing wrong with that except that I was grinding on her! My head falls onto the table and I groan. Amanda pats my head and says its okay. I then pull out my phone and just scroll on Instagram for a while. Our pancakes arrive and we eat and laugh. It gets to 9:45am and we head back to the hotel, we decide to do another shoot today as kagehina. When we arrive back to the hotel Amanda goes to her own room to get into cosplay and I get my Hinata cosplay on. After I've done that I head into the bathroom and put some eyeliner and blush on. After around half hour I hear a knock on my door, I step out of the bathroom and head to the door I open it to see Amanda in hr cosplay

Damn she looks good in those shorts,
why is she so hot 😩ugh😩
Her legsssss

"Like what you see?" She asks and pulls me out of my daze

"Huh? What? Oh yeah, I do actually, now come on" I grab her hand and we walk to the con floor.

When we arrive on the con floor Amanda and I part ways and I set up all my stuff ready. I look over at Amanda and Liz's booth and they're being all touchy feely, I'd understand if it was for a photo and for the fans but its 10am and and barley any featured cosplayers are here yet so there's really no reason. I look at Moe and I see that she looks really uncomfortable.

"Hey Moe!" I call out to her

"Hm?" She has and looks up at me

"Come here a sec"

She walks over to me.

"Is something wrong?" She asks

"No, you just seemed really uncomfortable over there"

"Well I'm glad someone noticed, I just wanted Liz to pay attention to me, but she's been all over Amanda since you two came in. Amanda is your girlfriend right?, you must be uncomfortable too" she rants to me

"Yeah you're right, well they are just close friends so I'm not that worried but if Amanda cheats on me, shit will go down, I got both of us" I chuckle

"Thanks y/n" Moe laughs "I'm gonna head to Starbucks, do you want anything?"

"O0o, grab me a caramel iced coffee please, extra caramel." I say whilst handing her a $10 bill.

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