Con day 1

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Amandas P.O.V

I wake up at 7am and go into the bathroom to shower, after I get out of the shower I grab my phone and text Y/N.

Akrcos- Hey are we still doing that photo shoot today?

Y/U/N- yeah, definitely, we still doing todobaku?

Akrcos- yeah I'll be Bakugo okay?

Y/U/N- okay, get dressed now or maybe you could bring your cosplay things over here and get ready with me.

Akrcos- I'll be over in 10

Y/U/N- see you then

I cant believe I'm doing this, I dont know what it is about Y/N she just draws me in. Ive known the girl for barley 24 hours people, but I wanna get to know her better, we've been mutual for a while, through Emma that is. I mean she's gorgeous and her personality from what I can make out is amazing. I'm gonna ask her out tomorrow if the shoot goes well, I'm just not sure how yet but it needs to be special. I pack up my Bakugo cosplay and any makeup that I'll need and start to walk to Y/N's room, wait i dont know what room she's in. I take out my phone and ask her what room she's in, turns out she's in room 228 which is just opposite mine.

Your P.O.V

I am such a fool, inviting Amanda over, honestly I'm surprised she wanted to come. All of a sudden I hear a knock at the door, I open it and the one and only Amanda Costigan. She was in a black tank top and some grey sweatpants, with her long brown hair in a bun on top of her head. I stand there staring at her for awhile until she breaks the silence.

"So can I come in?"

"Oh yeah sorry, come on in, excuse the mess I haven't unpacked properly yet"

"Don't worry about it you should see my room"

"Well maybe tonight I can" jeesus, why on earth did i say that!

"Yeah maybe, do you wanna start getting ready it is 8 and the con starts at 11, we have to be there for 10:30 though"

"You're right, can you help with my Todoroki scar?" I ask

"Of course , are you doing it with latex?"


"Then lets get started"

We make our way into the bathroom and Amanda tells me to sit on the counter, so I do. I hand her the latex and makeup and she gets to work, after around 3 minutes Amanda moved closer to me and rests her finger under my chin. I can feel her breath on my lips. 10 minutes pass.

"and its done" she says

I look in the mirror.

"Holy shit Amanda this is amazing"

"What can I say I've been doing this for awhile, but come on and get the rest of you're cosplay done"

We finished our makeup and put our wigs on, we decide to do our cosplays in their hero costumes. We get dressed and see that its 10am so we decide to go to Starbucks. We walk to the con floor and put all of our extra makeup and costume repair things at our booths and we head to the Starbucks across the street. When we arrived at Starbucks Amanda and I wait in line, the amount of stares we got was hilarious. When we got to the cash register Amanda stepped in front of me and ordered my favourite drink and whatever she wanted to order, i go to take out my wallet until i see Amanda already walking out with our drinks. I jog up to her.

"did you just pay for my drink?"

"And you're cookie"

"Wait what, I didn't want a cookie"

"Well you have one now so eat, now come on we gotta get back to the con"

We walk back to the con floor and separate to go to our booths, they were next to each other so every now and then I'd catch Amanda staring at me, and shed catch me staring at her. I really like her maybe its her assholey cocky attitude or maybe its her snarky smile, I just really really like her.

Time skip to their photo shoot - 5:30pm

Amanda comes over to my booth with her friend Rachel I think her name is who is carrying a camera.

"You ready to do some photos?" Amanda asks me

"Yes let me just close up, I'll meet you outside yeah?"


I put all of the merch that hadn't been bought yet, which wasn't that many but I put them in a box under the table. Once I've finished with that I head outside and look for Amanda and Rachel, when I finally spot them on a bench talking. Amanda looks up and sees me and she waves me over. Once I get there Rachel says that we're gonna shoot on a staircase, we all start walking to the location. When we get there we decide on the first pose, I sits in the middle of the staircase and Amanda sits on the step down so she is in front of me, Rachel tells me to wrap my arms around Amanda so I do and I lean my head down so its in the crook of her neck, after around 10 seconds of being in that pose we move and I'm against the stair banister and Amanda has her both her arm trapping me in. My hand find the banister and I grasp onto it, That's our next pose. It weird being this close to her, now I'm not complaining but she is really really close. By the time we finished the photo shoot its 6:30 and Amanda and I go back to my hotel room as we decided we didn't want to hangout with people tonight. We get back to my room and we both take of our costumes, Amanda in the bathroom obviously, after I had got changed into my hoodie and shorts I knock on the bathroom door and walk in on Amanda in a nike sports bra and some grey sweatpants, damn she looks good! Anyway i start peeling off my scar as Amanda starts removing her Bakugo makeup

"Do you think the photos will turn out good?" I ask breaking the silence

"Of course they will, you're in them" she says and winks at me

"how do you do that?"

"Do what?" she asks

"You just say such flirty stuff all the time so casually, you pretend to like people"

"Who says I was pretending?" And with that Amanda walked out of the bathroom

After I finish taking off my makeup I walk out of the bathroom and I see Amanda on my bed on her phone I sit next to her and ask her if she wants to watch a movie. We both agree on 'avengers:endgame' Now I find super hero movies boring but I will watch them for Amanda. Around half way through I feel myself drift off and my head falls onto something.

Amandas P.O.V

I feel something hit my shoulder, I look down and see Y/N's head on my shoulder. I lift up her head gently and place her under the blankets and onto a pillow, I lie down nest to her and just stare at her for a while, now I know that that sounds creepy she's just so beautiful and confident I really fucking like her. After around 15 minutes I doze off next to her, this will either be in my favour or bite me in the ass.

A/N hey, so this is the longest chapter I've written so far. I do have a plan for next chapter and i hope you all like it. I hope you guys are enjoying the book! x

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