forty three

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Timeline: one week later.
We were at the airport. We were actually going to LA today. I've been there a few times to see my moms friends, but never to see where my dad was buried. It feels weird. I didn't know him, but this is the only part of him I have left. We got on line to board the plane and my mom and I eventually sat down. My mom was totally anxious and antsy but she'd never admit it. I was just like her, I knew how she was feeling.
"Anxious?" I asked.
"I'm fine," she said and took out her phone to text Arizona.
"How longs the flight?" I asked.
"Like 2 and a half hours I think," she said. The pilot came on the speaker to tell us to turn electronics off. My mom looked over and smiled at me.
"We'll be there before you know it," she said.
The flight went well. There wasn't a lot of turbulence which was good. We grabbed our luggage and started walking to the rental car.
"You got a convertible rental car?" Charlotte chuckled.
"We're in LA what else was I supposed to get?" I laughed and got in, "and no you're not driving it."
"Darn," she chuckled.
"Okay so I think we'll go to the cemetery first, and then we'll stop by Oceanside wellness. I didn't tell them we were coming so this will be fun," I chuckled. I drove 20 minutes to where Ryan was buried. We got out and silently walked over to his grave.
"Wanna sit?" I asked softly. Charlotte nodded as she sat down next to me on the grass.
"Did you come often?" Charlotte asked.
"I came once a week when I was pregnant with you," I said, "told him all about how you were growing, how many times you kicked me in my sleep, or what crazy foods I was eating. He would love to see you now, I'm sure he's proud of you from heaven." She got quiet as she leaned into me.
"You can cry," I whispered, "it's okay." She grabbed my hand as a few tears escaped her eyes. I pulled her into a hug as I let myself cry too.
"Your father loves you so much I promise," I told her, "he wanted to be a father so badly. He loves you."
"I love him too," she cried, "I wish I could have met him."
"Me too," I cried. I rubbed her back as we looked at his tombstone.
"What was he like?" She asked me, "without the drugs?"
"He was funny," I smiled, "he was kind, caring, he was sweet. He loved tacos. God we ate tacos so much when we were dating. He had brown hair just like you and me, and gorgeous brown eyes. He was a sweetheart. He cared about me a lot, just like he cares so much for you too." She smiled at me as she looked back over at his grave.
"I wish he was here," I admitted, "I don't know if we would have stayed together romantically, but we would have coparented you. He would have been such a good father. He would have been clean. I wish I could fix it."
"You can't blame yourself," Charlotte said, "it was an accident."
"I know," I frowned, "I just wish it was different."
"You're the best parent I could have asked for. You sell yourself short sometimes mom," Charlotte said and hugged me, "you did a good job."
"You really didn't tell your friends we were coming?" Charlotte said as we got in the elevator.
"Nope," I chuckled. The doors opened and I saw everyone eating lunch in the little class kitchen. Addison made eye contact with me and her mouth dropped. I opened the door and smiled.
"Hey everybody," I chuckled as I walked in with Charlotte.
"Oh my gosh what are you doing here? It's so good to see you," Addison smiled and hugged us both.
"We were in the neighborhood," I chuckled as I hugged everyone. I smiled as Charlotte hugged Charlotte. I did name her after Charlotte King after all, I'm glad the two always get along.
"What were you in the neighborhood for?" Sheldon asked.
"Stuff," I chuckled.
"What kind of stuff? Wedding stuff? Oh my gosh you're getting married we're all so excited!" Charlotte smiled and hugged me.
"It wasn't wedding stuff but I'm glad you're all excited," I chuckled.
"Why didn't you bring the fiancée?" Violet chuckled, "we do want to meet her."
"Oh yeah and you're into women now?" Cooper joked and I nudged him.
"Shut up," I chuckled.
"I met her when I went to Seattle once and she's very nice. Amelia got a good one," Addison said.
"I did get a good one," I smiled.
"And you're all grown up!" Naomi smiled as she looked at Charlotte. I was glad to be back here. I've missed my LA friends so much. I'm really glad they're all coming to the wedding, it means I'll see them again really soon.

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