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Oh my god. Amelias mom found out about Maxine and Charlotte. She hit Amelia. Charlotte ran upstairs and I wrapped my arms around Amelia. She started sobbing as I rubbed her back.
"Are you okay? Did she hit you anywhere else?" I asked her.
"Just my face," Amelia said.
"Let's get you some ice okay?" I said.
"Arizona it's fine I need to check on Charlotte," Amelia said.
"Ames honey get some ice it's okay," I said gently. She nodded as I grabbed a bag of ice and handed it to her. She looked so upset and I wrapped her in a hug.
"Shh it's okay," I said softly.
"I hate that woman," She cried.
"I know you do," I said, "I do too. I'm sorry she won't just leave you alone."
"I could take it when she was just ridiculing me but now she's doing it to Charlotte who is already insecure enough about her sexuality," Amelia cried.
"Why don't I go check on Charlotte while you calm down okay?" I asked.
"Okay," Amelia said.
"Sit down and ice your face it'll be okay," I said and kissed her forehead.
"Okay," she said softly.
"I love you," I said.
"I love you too," she said. I walked upstairs and knocked on Charlotte's door. The door opened and she was crying. I wrapped her in a hug and she cried into me.
"Shh it's okay," I said softly and rubbed her back, "it's okay."
"Is my mom okay?" She asked.
"She's okay," I said, "how are you?"
"Has she hit her before?" Charlotte asked.
"I don't know," I admitted.
"It's all my fault," Charlotte said.
"It's not your fault," I said, "how could this be your fault?"
"I posted a picture of Maxine and I on Instagram," she said, "one of my cousins must have seen it and told my aunts and grandmother."
"It's not your fault, you just wanted to post a picture with your girlfriend like every other teenager," I said. She frowned as she sat down on her bed.
"Is my mom mad at me?" Charlotte asked.
"Mad at you?" I asked, "why would she be mad at you?"
"I'm the reason grandma showed up," Charlotte sighed.
"Charlotte this isn't your fault. Your mom and grandmother have a very rocky relationship. We all know that. I think it's been rocky well before you were born, probably when your mom was your age. None of what happens between them is your fault, and a good majority of the time it's not your mothers fault either. She takes out her anger on your mom, which isn't right at all, but it's neither of your faults either, especially yours," I said and hugged her.
"Thank you," Amelia said. I looked up and saw her standing in the doorway.
"How long have you been there?" I chuckled.
"Long enough Arizona," she chuckled and sat down on the other side of Charlotte.
"Charlotte honey she's right. It's not your fault, and it's not mine. You're dating someone you care about, and I don't care that it's a girl. Arizona, Derek, Meredith, Zola, Bailey, and Ellis don't care. Your friends Tara and Zach don't care. But your grandmother does. We can't change her homophobia. We can't. She is either homophobic or straight up just hates me, which it's probably both. But you being you is nothing to apologize or feel guilty about. What happened tonight wasn't your fault okay?" Amelia said and hugged Charlotte.
"Okay," Charlotte said.
"I love you," Amelia said.
"I love you too," Charlotte said, "and I love you Arizona."
"I love you too honey," I said.
"Are you okay?" I asked Amelia as we walked into the bedroom.
"Yeah I'm fine," Amelia shrugged it off and got changed.
"Ames," I said.
"Can we just not talk about what you saw?" Amelia asked.
"Has she done it before?" I asked.
"Not recently," Amelia said.
"Ames," I frowned.
"I mean she didn't like physically abuse me but she hit me sometimes as a teenager when I was reckless," Amelia said, "I really don't want to talk about that part of my life I'm fine really thank you for asking."
"Okay," I said.
"Is it still red?" She asked sadly as she looked at me.
"A little," I said.
"Okay," she said and crawled into bed with me. She was quiet as she pulled the covers over her and watched TV.
"You sure you're okay?" I asked.
"Yeah," she said.
"Okay," I said and pulled her into my arms. She snuggled into me as we watched tv. I played with her hair until she fell asleep on me. I kissed her head and shut the TV off and closed my eyes. I hoped Carolyn would leave my girls alone because neither one of them deserve all the hate she gives them. I kissed Amelias forehead again before closing my eyes to fall asleep.

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