Chapter 1-Schoolyard

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Chameleon threw out his wings, soaring over the clouds overlooking the mountain. The school he attended was set up at the base of a mountain, it's campus overlapping the trees and running through the underground caves. It was huge, really. Chameleon wasn't sure how he was able to keep track of it all, but he had a perfect working memory of the place. Which was funny, since he didn't remember much other than that. School was his life. He didn't have a biological family, he had his friends to look after him. Look after each other.

Chameleon was snapped out of his proud daze when another figure came dashing towards him. He panicked, flailing his wings about and ducking into a ball. When the figure passed him, the Rainwing spread out his wings to catch balance. He looked up and frowned. 

"Great..." he grumbled.

"Looks like someone didn't show up to the party!" The shadow of a certain Nightwing passed above Chameleon. He had grayish blue scales with a darker underbelly, vast black wings, and icy blue highlights. "How are ya on this fine day? Let's make sure we start on the right track today hmm?" Chameleon growled at the lingering taunting in Darkstalker's voice.

"AHEM!!" A voice cleared their throat. A gray and blue seawing with red and yellow eyes hovered below Chameleon and was making their way towards Darkstalker. The Nightwing frowned.

"You don't have to be such a parent, Albatross. Geez." He grumbled, following Albatross down below heading to class.

The two had a...unique relationship, you could call it. They were one of the most well known, and smartest, dragonets in the school. Darkstalker likes to take advantage of other dragons, but you could say Albatross is more mature and either calms him down or forces him out of fights.

Speaking of which...

Chameleon's worst fear came true. Morrowseer flew up to meet him, his eyes stuck inside of his satchel. His brown scales glistened in the sunlight.

"Morrowseer!" Chameleon bellowed.

"Hmm?" Morrowseer's yellow eyes darted up to meet Chameleon's. "Oh, hey, Camo. You missed the whole thing."

Chameleon groaned from the nickname. "Just-what happened?"

"Oh, yeah. He got totally banged up back there. Idiot. That's what you get for picking fights with bigger dragons." Morrowseer said plainly. Well, he always spoke plainly. He always seemed bored unless something happened that really piqued his interest. Chameleon rolled his eyes, at both Morrowseer's tone and the fact someone was stupid enough to pick a fight, and he flew down to the infirmary. He's had to deal with this issue enough times before to already know the drill.

"I don't know how you keep doing this," Chameleon grumbled.

"Come on, you know they had it coming," Whirlpool replied. The dark green Seawing's stripes flickered with slight excitement.

They were both sitting in the infirmary, Chameleon wrapping a bandage around Whirlpool's wrist. Turned out he wa a banged up bad, but thankfully not too bad. A majority of the damage was scrapes and bruises, with a few actual cuts and a broken wrist.

"And you don't think they broke your wrist, and you are triumphant enough to go against them again?" Chameleon scoffed.

"Well, yeah..I mean, they only won because I had to keep things interesting. You know, element of surprise? That was the final straw. Whirlpool was always kinda cocky, but never like this. Chameleon yanked on the bandage, tightening it suddenly. "YOW!" Whirlpool yelped.

"That's what you get! What in the world are you thinking?!!" Chameleon yelled. He didn't care about the nurse or other students eavesdropping. "I knew you could be stupid sometimes, but this is crossing the line. They broke your freaking wrist!" Chameleon "threw" his wrist back at him. 

Whirlpool held onto his bandaged wrist. "I's not that bad..." he mumbled.

"What was that?" Chameleon snapped.

"Oh, nothing, Camo." He was back into that stupid voice, the one where he thought everything was good and there was nothing to worry about.

"First of all, no it's not 'that bad', it's really bad! And second, please drop with that cursed nickname! Thanks to you, even Morrowseer is calling me that?"

"You mean Morrow?" Chameleon growled at the response and Whirlpool snickered.

"Let's just head to class. We're already late..."

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⏰ Last updated: May 18, 2021 ⏰

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