Death Whispers

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Rovers high.

My new school, I hated it.

“You hate everything these days Tammy….is this a teen syndrome, you know, I’m sixteen and angry at my parents kind of thing.” My mom complained, after I bluntly refused to go to Rovers high.

“No I just hate that___ thing they call a school.” I said stubbornly.

“You haven’t even started yet, anyhow so long as you live under our roof and are under age you will do what we tell you to.” My mom said firmly.

“Fine.” I said in anger and marched out. My dad was supposed to drive me to my new school. Urgh Rovers high, disgusting, what sort of name was that, Rovers high. I noticed at the same time Mr. Rogers was sitting on his porch staring straight at me. I smiled politely and quickly looked away. Mr. Rogers appeared to be a nice man but he made me feel uneasy anytime he came close these days, I didn’t know why. Maybe because there was a pedophile on the loose. Though I strongly doubted, Mr. Rogers was the one who killed Maggie I mean he was very nice. I was the one who was being all weird.


Rovers High wasn’t that bad, but I would never admit it aloud. I missed my friends at my old school. Coming out loud to say Rovers was ok was a betrayal to their memory.

“Good night honey…. Do you want me to stay with you.” My dad asked his voice full of concern.

“Nope….I’ll be okay.” I said bravely.

“Ok then sweet dreams.”

“Well I hope so, I don’t think I can stand another night of nightmares.” I said with a grin. He turned off the light and walked out. To my surprise I fell asleep rather quickly.

“Tammieeeeee Tammieeeeee.” Maggie whispered so softly that I barely heard.

I groaned, inwardly I was thinking, why did this girl always show up when I was sleeping. “Mmmm what is it Maggie?”

Someone grabbed my hair and pulled painfully.

“Aarrggghh.” I yelped in pain. My eyes fluttered opened. What was Maggie doing to me, next thing I knew a cloth with a disgusting smell was been pressed against my nose. I struggled and broke free, I coughed and spattered. Foolishly I didn’t scream but was more interested in who was holding that disgusting thing over my nose. I turned around to look into the face of the bastard who was trying to hurt me.

“Mr. Rogers.” I cried out in bewilderment. What was he doing in my bedroom in the middle of the night? He advanced towards me, I tried to get away, but I slipped, before I could regain my balance he was crushing me down with his body. The disgusting smell was back covering my nose. Everything started to spin my eyes got heavy, darkness fell over me and I passed out.


A bird was squeaking loudly into my ear.

“mmmm.” I grumbled what a bird was doing in my room I wondered. I opened my eyes slowly and was greeted by a warm bathing light which made my eyes hurt. I groaned. At the same time I noticed several things. I was outside in the woods and a rope was holding me hostage to a tree! I stared around wildly in panic.

“What in the name of Jupiter.” I swore and began to struggle, the rope was too tight. Then I remembered, Mr. Rogers, he was in my room last night and he looked like he wanted to hurt me.

“Someone help me please help.”  I started to scream. At the same time I was wiggling my body vigorously, trying to escape from my prison.

“SHUT YOUR MOUTH.” Mr. Rogers roared behind me. I couldn’t see him because the tree was blocking my view. But it didn’t matter; every part of my body was in frenzy from hearing his voice. I was shivering form head to toe in fright.

He appeared before me, his face serious and deadly. He was holding a huge knife which didn’t look too friendly. I swallowed down bile that had risen in my throat. Tears welled up in my eyes, I was so scared. My mind was screaming. “Someone save me….anyone.”

He advanced towards me dangerously. He raised the knife to my throat; I shuddered as cold sensations spread through my body. I could not hold back the tears, they flowed down my cheeks.

“If you make one more sound I’m gonna cut you up slowly.” He threatened. I nodded and more tears spilled down my cheeks.

“Now I’m gonna ask you a question, if you don’t tell me the truth I will march over to your house and bleed your mother like a pig.” He swore, turning the big knife around.

“O-o-ok-kkk.” I stammered in fear. Oh God please I don’t want to die please save me. MAGGIE! where are you?

“Did you tell anyone I killed Maggie?”

“What!” I cried in shock, oh dear did Mr. Rogers just admit to me he killed Maggie, great now he’s never going to let me out of here alive.

“ANSWER THE BLOODY QUESTION.” He screamed and pressed the knife against my throat.

“No I didn’t know you killed her.” My voice came out in a hoarse whisper.


“No please I-I d-didn’t say anything please.” I begged and broke down into sobs. “Please let me go I won’t tell anyone anything I swear.’  I cried.

“SHUT UP.” He yelled. I tried to stop crying but the tears wouldn’t stop flowing down my cheeks. “Fine I’m gonna go back to town, if all goes well, then I might consider letting you go.” Mr. Rogers said smirking. I didn’t have to be a genius to know he was lying. There was no way he would let me go after what he had just confessed to me; he was the pedophile that murdered poor Maggie. My only chance of escape was to wait until he went and scream for help or untie myself from this tree; all these possibilities seemed rather unlikely to happen but I refused to admit them to myself.

It took me a while to recognize what Mr. Rogers was doing; he was staring at my chest, my breasts to be more precise. He licked his lips; I felt the sudden urge to throw up. He moved slowly towards me, like a tiger ready to pounce on its prey.

“Hey d-don’t you h-have to g-go.” I said nervously.

“Ssshhh.” He placed his pedophile hands on my lips. I cringed, his hands started to wander until they rested on my breast. My stomach did somersaults. He was smiling like a maniac. I couldn’t hold it in any longer, he was making me sick. I leaned over and threw up on his shoes.

“Aarrggghh stupid little bitch.” He screamed and smacked me in the face very hard. I whimpered in pain. He grabbed a fistful of my hair and said. “When I come back little girl, we’re gonna play a game.” He let go and walked back into the woods. Everywhere around me I was surrounded by tall trees. I suspected he had brought me into the black forest. I bowed my head, not many people came this way, the black forest was full of pythons the really big ones that ate humans.

If Mr. Rogers didn’t rape and torture me to death, I was sure the pythons would get me. I started to pray silently. Please help me anyone. I pleaded silently.

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