Death Whispers

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"Honey I know what you're up to, it's no secret you hate this house. But if you think coming up with this ridiculous story is going to get us to move back to our old house you're wrong." My dad said a few minutes later after I had gone downstairs searching for him.

I stared at him amazed that he would doubt me. "Dad! I'm not making up stories, there's someone in my room." I cried out hurt. Humph parents' they never believed anything you said; especially if you were a teen.

"Well I've been searching this room for ten minutes and there's nothing here, if indeed there was someone he or she is long gone. Now if you'll excuse me your mom needs help with dinner." He snapped at me. I followed him dumbfounded. He slammed the door in my face leaving me bewildered.

"But b-but...." I stammered after the closed door. I sighed; turned and waited for that mysterious voice to come again, but it didn't, after a while I assumed I must have been dreaming. I went downstairs for dinner.

Later that night before I slept, I sat on my bed for ten minutes, straining my ear, waiting for the voice, it didn't come again. I rolled my eyes and cursed myself I must have been dreaming after all; just like my dad had said.

For the next three days, I was busy unpacking my stuff. I initially had planned not to, but my mom had bribed me with five hundred bucks and promised to give me more if I unpacked, hence the unpacking.

Currently I was holding two picture frames and contemplating on where to place them.

"TAMMY!"  The voice shrieked in my ears suddenly.

I yelped and jumped. I dropped the two frames I was holding immediately. My hands went impulsively to cover my ears. Jeepers creepers, I swore looking around my room.

"TAMMY TAMMY TAMMY." It screeched over and over.

My God what is happening to me, there was no one in the room as far as I could tell. A ghost, it must be a ghost, I assumed. No that was stupid, ghosts didn't exist.

"Tammy help me." The voice whispered this time, it sounded like a little girl. "Help me please." She whispered again, her voice echoed throughout the room.

"Go away....leave me alone whoever you are." I said to the empty room. I felt stupid and petrified at the same time.

"TAMMY HELP, HELP ME PLEASE HELP." The invincible girl screamed at me, she sounded close to me. My heart was beating fast, my brain refused to digest what was happening because it all seemed rather absurd.

"FINE," I yelled back, maybe if I helped she would go away. "What do you want?" I cried out.

"He buried my body beside the well, dig it up." She said softly with a hint of sadness.

"WHAT!"  I cried out in shock. Ok I was hearing invincible people talk that I could wrap my head around but it was telling to go about digging bodies was a whole new level of crazy. Great I'm insane........ Fantastic, I thought sarcastically.

"IF YOU DON'T HELP ME I WONT LEAVE YOU ALONE." The girl yelled at me.

"OKAY." I cringed, and then run downstairs and made my way towards the well. I didn't have much time to ponder on how idiotic everything seemed.


"What the devil is all that noise about?" My dad yelled after me as I ran past him outside. He must have been heading upstairs to my room, probably to see why I was yelling by myself. I was pretty sure he couldn't hear the girl's screams.

"Later dad." I shouted back.

I hadn't really explored the house fully, mainly because I wasn't interested, but I remember my mom mentioning something about an old well in the back. She said we would have to destroy it because it looked like a death trap. I made my way towards the back yard where the well was supposed to be.

The backyard was covered with the remnants of a failed rose garden, all the roses had withered. Mom would have to do something about this I thought. There were sickly overgrown weeds everywhere; in the extreme end of the rose garden was the well. It turned out to be a wishing well. From the looks of it, it must have been there for many years. On it was written, "Whisper a wish, cast a penny and it will be granted."

"My body is buried beneath where you're standing." The little girl's voice came again.

This time I didn't jump out of surprise, I had been expecting her to speak any moment. I stepped back away from where I stood and stared at the dirt beneath my feet. Could there really be a corpse beneath where I stood. Or was I going mad?

"Help me please." The voice begged.

I turned around and went about looking for a shovel; I needed to prove to myself that I wasn't hallucinating. If I was hallucinating then I wouldn't find a corpse buried beside the well. But if I was not then there would be a body.

I found the shovel quickly than I expected, I brought it back to the wishing well and started to dig, every scoop of dirt I took my heart jumped as I was expecting to see a skull anytime soon. Twenty minutes of digging and all I had gotten was bruised palms. I wiped my fore head and continued to dig. I was now standing in the large hole I had created myself. Dear lord I thought, if my mom came out here and saw this mess, what I would say.

"Er mom a voice told me to dig up her buried body and that's why there's a large hole in our backyard."

I laughed, yeah I could picture the look on her face, it would be oh-dear-God-my-daughter-is-on-drugs. THUMP. The shovel hit something, the grin on my face died. Anxiety exploded through my body, was there really a corpse down here. I crouched down and started to dig with my bare hands. A human skull revealed itself, I stopped. So I wasn't crazy I thought.

"DADDY."  I screamed, and then got out of the hole which was almost three feet long. "Daddy there's a dead body in our backyard." I said lightly. And then broke down into giggles, I think I was in shock. My dad emerged seventy seconds later; he stared at the hole and then at me.

"There's a corpse by the well." I repeated in-between giggles.

"Oh for the love of God enough already, we're not going back to our old house!"

"Its true...... if you don't believe me take a look for yourself."

He sighed in frustration but he moved forward to take a look. A couple of seconds I heard him gasp. He reached for his phone and called the cops.

I had stopped giggling; I was huddled in a corner staring at the well. My initial shock had vanished and I was scared, someone had been killed and buried in our house. I was afraid because I was living in this house too; the same thing could happen to me. The girl didn't say anything, I supposed she had accomplished what she wanted and had moved on.

The cops arrived ten minutes later and dug up the rest of the corpse. I was still huddled in the corner when one of the detectives started to walk towards me.

"Hi my name is Adam, I'm very curious as to how you knew there was a body buried beside the well." Adam said.

"Her ghost showed me where the body was buried." I said quietly, staring directly into his eyes waiting for his reaction.

He looked at me as if I was mad, no surprise there. "You must be in shock." He muttered after a few seconds of silence.

"I wish I was." I admitted bitterly. 

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