Death Whispers

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I waited and waited restlessly for him to return, but he didn’t, seconds turned into minutes, minutes into hours. Two stinking days I was tied to that tree. I was thirsty and hungry. My legs were sore and my lips were as dry as a desert. I didn’t care anymore if no one came to save me, I just wanted to roll over and die.

My head hurt as if I had been hit in the head by a speeding train. Will this ache never end? I howled in pain.

“We’re doing everything we can to find your daughter miss James. We’ve got a dozen police officers out there searching for her, if he’s got her we’ll find her.” The detective was saying to Tammy’s mother.

“Please do everything you can to find her, she’s all we have.” Tammy’s dad begged. This was no time to be manly. His child was missing and they suspected the killer who had murdered Maggie. He must have kidnapped Tammy because she had stumbled on his secret, so really now was no time to be masculine

“If she dies I die too.” Tammy’s mom swore at her husband, when they were alone in their kitchen, their living room was full of people who had come to sympathize with them.

“Don’t say that, they’ll find her ok.” Tammy’s dad tried to be positive, but deep within him he couldn’t block out the voices in his head which were telling him, his princess was dead and buried in an unmarked grave. They sat in the kitchen holding hands, trying to comfort each other. They only looked up when someone cleared his throat. They looked up to see Mr. Rogers, their neighbour standing beside the kitchen doorway.

“I’m sorry I’m sure you want to be alone, but I just got back from up town and heard what happened. I wanted to stop by, to see if there was anything I could do to help.”

“Thank you john, but there’s nothing anyone can do, the cops are doing their best, I guess we’ll just have to wait and see what happens.” Tammy’s dad said sadly.

“Are there any suspects.” Mr. Rogers asked carefully.

“No no, there’s not even one stinking suspect.” Tammy’s mom blurted out.

“Christina…..” Tammy’s dad cooed and bent over to whisper soothing words to calm his wife down.

“Well er I’ll leave for now but if there’s anything that you want me to do for you don’t hesitate.” Mr. Rogers said and walked out.


Mr. Rogers was a very bad man, Maggie thought. He had hurt her so bad years ago. She still remembered that night as if it was yesterday. Mr. Rogers had sneaked into her room and dragged her out into the cold night. He had then begun to hurt her, Maggie begged him over and over again to stop but he hadn’t listened. Then he hit her with something heavy, pain spread over her body and she passed out. The next time she opened her eyes she was dead. And now he was going to do the same thing to poor Tammy. It was all her fault; she shouldn’t have involved poor Tammy into this mess.


The sun wasn’t making it any better; I was too tired and thirsty. Two days, two wretched days. Was he trying to kill me by starving me? I don’t care so long as I die quickly I didn’t care. My vision was starting to blur.

“Hmmm still here I see.” Mr. Rogers suddenly appeared out of nowhere.

I sat up straight and stared at him, he didn’t look as miserable as me standing there with his hands in his pocket. “If I get out of here I will kill you.” I spat at him in my croaky voice.

He burst into laughter and came closer. “Oh yeah and how are you going to accomplish that when you look dehydrated and ready to pass out.”

“I’ll kill you.” I vowed.

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