The Beginning

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Hey, it's HiMrFox (the writer) here. This story is a joint effort between me and Weaponx067 (editor) and we just want to say thank you for joining us! This is our first story and I will accept any criticism you have, just try not to be rude. Thank you, enjoy!

It was a Monday, A rainy Monday at that. Which, looking back, probably explains the events of that day.

The sound of screeching metal fills my head, Everything is slow. I want to breathe, but I can't. Breathless, I fly through the air. It's almost calming in a way, the air feels crisp on my cheeks, the sounds fading in the distance behind me, I can hear a bird chirp. But that's about to come to a halt, I see the ground...

I gasped, it was that dream again. I've been having that dream on and off for months now, it's terrifying. I keep shrugging it off but, this time it felt a little different, erie, in a way, there was a voice. I couldn't make out the word, but the voice was soft. I choose to shrug it off again.

I try to get up but It's another cold day, and the frost nips at my exposed fingers. It's too cold for this, must I get out of bed and go to class? I think this, but I know better than anyone that I must. I've missed too many days already, afterall, with no one to hold me accountable I grew lazy. It's almost funny my parents named me after a goddess of knowledge, Saras. It's not as if I resent my parents but I can't help but feel a slight tingle when I think about Them. My dad left when I was 3 and my Mom bore so much resentment to my dad that she went insane, she tried to kill me and herself. I was saved when my uncle just so happened to stop by and heard screaming; he ran in and tackled her. I always have had impeccable luck. The police arrived a little later, and took her away. I was effectively an orphan. I didn't realize that while I was lost in thought, I had already gotten up and dressed. I don't plan on fixing my hair, pretty sure wild is in now.

I step out the door, It is even colder out here. I walk down the street mindlessly, until I reach the curb. As if on cue, the bus rounds the corner and stops in front of me with a loud screech.

I take my seat and start to doze off again, but something hits my head. I assume it was just an accident so I ignore it. It happened again, this time it was something heavier. This was definitely on purpose; I stand up and turn around. almost at once I start to float and that wretched sound fills my head, one I know all too well... Screeching metal. The events from my dream happen over again, Is this a dream? I'm once again in awe at the beauty and brutality of my current position, but there's the ground...

My vision is foggy, where am I?

???: "Hello, and welcome" a voice says softly.

That voice, I remember it.

Saras: "Where am I?" I ask calmly, but I'm panicking on the inside on the inside.

???: "Well," she states, "you're in limbo, the place between Heaven and Hell", this doesn't help to calm my racing thoughts.

I contemplated it for a while.

Saras: "Well, who are you?" I ask

???: "I am the goddess of reincarnation, Indigo. I decide who goes to Heaven, Hell, or how someone is reincarnated and I have something special for you."

Saras: "Really? Something special? For me? What's the catch?"

Indigo: "catch? There isn't one I can think of. Since your life on earth kind of sucked, I am going to reincarnate you as a hero with intense power on a world of monsters,and you will retain your memories. You, Saras, will save that world"

Saras: "Holy shit, really!"

Indigo: "Language, you are in front of the divine"

Saras: "sorry"

Indigo: "but yes, you will become the hero of that world, I just need to make sure you're ok with that"

Saras: "I mean, yeah! Why wouldn't I be?"

Indigo: "Good to hear, and I call it reincarnation but it is almost a special version of that. You wont start as a baby, but at your current age. You will have to buy all expenses though, but with your power going on monster quests will be easy"

I can't believe it, after all these years, something really good is happening to me. My luck has always been great but only on a small scale, this is the luck of a lifetime, I think as if I didn't just die moments ago.

Indigo: "with that, I will send you on your way"

Saras: "thank you very much, I hope to see you again, though maybe not like this."

Indigo chuckles and a portal opens behind me, I am told that once I step into it I will have a small journey and then I will be there, fighting monsters as a hero. I step In.

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