Five Girls

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Itsuki, Yotsuba, Miku, Ichika, and Nino. These are the names of the five girls I must tutor to make money in this world, all of which are quintuplets. I hadn't noticed in the hallway but their faces are all quite similar, but there were a few noticeable differences in hair and clothes. Well, I guess I need to help them study. We are the same age so I'm assuming they are in the same grade I was in before I died, So I made little sheets from anything I could actually remember learning. They weren't too well made considering I was living in an alleyway all weekend and I know they were filled with lots of spelling errors and other mistakes, But i'll blame that on my low intelligence trait. I've come to terms with the fact that something must've gone wrong in the portal and I'm in the wrong world. Of course the one trait I could actually use is unavailable to me.

We all walk into the apartment and sit down at the table. I turn to grab the study sheets and hand them out

Saras: "Welp, It's time to study!"

It's Silent. I look up to see the table is empty except for everyone except Yotsuba.

Saras: "Uhh... Yotsuba?"

Yotsuba: "Yeah?" She laughs uncomfortably.

Saras: "What happened to... You know... Everyone?"

Yotsuba: "Oh, That..." she says, still uncomfortable. "They went to their rooms"

In the half second I looked down, they had all left, as silent as ninjas.

Yotsuba: "Well we can go gather them, Come on!"

Me and Yotsuba walk up the stairs and knock on Itsuki's door.

Itsuki: "Oh, Hello! What do you need"

Saras: "For you to come back downstairs to be tutored"

Itsuki: "Oh yeah, I just needed to grab something from up here real quick. I'll be right down."
Saras: "Well that was pretty easy"

Yotsuba: "I expected itsuki to come out pretty easily, Im sure they all had a reason to come upstairs and i'm sure they are all ready to learn"

We walk to Miku's door and knock

Miku: "What"

Saras: "Come down, we are about to start"

Miku: "No, You're our age. There is nothing you can teach me better than i could learn myself"

Saras: "But-"

She closes the door

Yotsuba: "Don't let Miku get you down, she'll come around once she sees how fun the lessons are going to be. Lets try Nino, She's a pretty social person"

We knock on Nino's door, to no avail. We knock again, so much for Nino being social.

Yotsuba: "Lets... Try Ichika. Yeah, Ichika should come."

Yotsuba goes to open Ichikas door instead of knocking but stops.

Saras: "What's wrong, why'd you stop?"

Yotsuba: "Just try not to freak out"

Freak out? What could possibly freak me out? We walk in. There are piles and piles of clothes, trash, and other items. There is a grunt that comes from the bed and Ichika sits up. Yotsuba begins cleaning.

Ichika: "What's up" she says in a slow tired sounding voice.

Saras: "How did you come upstairs, get undressed, and go to sleep in 2 minutes?"

Ichika: "It's a skill," She smiles
Saras: "well do you intend to join our study session?"

Ichika: "You're in a girls room and all you can think about is studying?"

Saras: "Wrong, i'm thinking about money. Plus id rather not think about the godforsaken dump i am standing in"

Ichika: "Aw, your to harsh"

Saras: "Just come on" I reach to pull the blanket off of her

Yotsuba and Ichika both change to a look of terror as I grab the blanket and pull. I realized what was happening and I had a choice. I could do the right thing and let her grab the blanket back, or... No, I can't do that. I stop and let her recover the blanket, Yotsuba lets out a sigh of relief, and Ichika turns a slight shade of red.

I leave the room and find Miku in the hallway.

Saras: "did you change your mind?"

Miku: "No, but I do have a question"

Saras: "Oh, well i'm happy to help"

Miku: "Where's my tracksuit? I had it before you were here and now it's mysteriously missing."

Saras: "How would I know, and what are you insinuating"

Miku: "You took it, it's the only logical option"

Just as I was about to defend myself, Nino walks to the table downstairs, Holding cookies, and wearing Miku's Tracksuit.

Miku: "I apologize, I'll attend to your study session as apology"

Saras: "That's great, Thank you"

I head downstairs and sit down, Everyone is here. I hand out the papers and everyone looks slightly confused, It must be the misspelling. I try to distract everyone and get them on track but they just keep talking as if i'm not here.

Yotsuba: "Don't worry, I'm studying!" she lets off a big smile.

I look at her paper, there is one singular flower drawn on her page with nothing else. They are hopeless, I can't teach and they can't learn. But Nino offers me a cookie, she seems to be a pretty nice girl. I take the cookies without hesitation.

Nino: "To bad we dont need a tutor"

Saras: "What..."

Nino: "Nevermind, have some water as well."

I chug the water with no second thought, something pings in the top right corner of my vision. A status of some sort, when I look at it, it says ive been given a form of sleeping pill.

Nino: "Bye Bye."

I sit there. Nino's expression seems to slowly twist into a form of confusion and anger. She hands me another glass of water and I chug it again. And then I chug a third, I'm really thirsty but I don't think I want any more water.

Saras: "Thanks Nino, I appreciate it"

Nino: "..."

I'm still confused by the sleeping pill status but I seem to be fine. Did Nino try to drug me? Thank god for my high health stat! I decide I'll take the hint and pack up early tonight. I head back to the alleyway, and start preparing for my next session. How can I make these girls listen to me? Indigo? Can you hear me? Please?

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 21, 2021 ⏰

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