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Mikey's POV

I watched Jennifer's plane fly away.

"Damnit I should've told her!" I said to myself.

My sister Sydney walked up to me. "You love her don't you....?" She said.

I sighed. "I do."

"Why didn't you tell her?"

"Because, I didn't want her to reject me. Plus it wouldn't change much, she still would've just left."

"Here." She said, holding out an envelope, that said To: Mikey on it. "It's from Jen. She wanted me to give it to you once she left."

"Cmon guys, we gotta get going." Mom said.

"We have to get you guys home so mom and I can go to our meeting." Dad said.

"Just open it in the car." Sydney said.

I sighed as we walked to the car. We walked out of the airport and to the parking garage. And to our car. I sat in the back seat next to Syd, with out parents in front of us.

I stared at the envelope.

"Hun, open it, I bet she wants you to see something in it." My mother said, as we pulled up onto the highway.

I opened the envelope up, carefully, so I didn't rip anything inside.

I opened it up and saw the necklace I gave her when we were 9. I teared up. I took out the note and it read.

Dear Mikey,

Yea yea, I know hand written notes are "so olden times." But I couldn't text this to you, or tell you this in person. I put my necklace in here so U could have a memory of me while I'm gone. My mom said I wouldn't be able to come back and I'm terribly sorry about that. I'll miss you more than you can imagine and i just wanted to say, your the bestest friend anyone could have. But I just wanted to say that I av a c us on u, a d I' e alw s ha e.


The last couple words were smudged out from what looked like tears. I put the necklace and the note back in the envelope. I cried.

I love her so much, and she doesn't even know.

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