Chapter 6

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Ola guys 😍😍, sorry for the late update 🤧🤧 and please forgive me for the typos but here's another one ☝️.....

Hassana's pov.

I woke up with a throbbing headache and found myself in some place that I don't know of .

What am I doing here I thought.

U fainted leena replied and that's when I saw her by my side .

Leena what am I doing here ? And what place is this ? I bombard her with questions.

Take a chill pill girl , you came here for a meeting and that's how leena translated everything to me.

Inalilahi wa inailaihi rajiun , now what will sagir think of me as a joke or something I asked no one in particular.

No I don't think it's your fault, I think you were spiked or something because of the way you were acting leena said .

Omg zara !!! She gave me some juice to take before I left the office I recalled.

Wai what does the girl want ne.... ever since she started working at that office she acts strange and also rude .

Can you escort me to the office please leena I'm even scared because I don't know what to start telling sagir please help me leena I begged .

Ohk let me ask my boss first she replied and left for her boss 's office.

5 minutes later she came out and we did Uber and left for the office.

At the office.

Hey , hey you are not allowed I come into this building again a security guard stopped us by the way .

But I work here hassana tried to reason .

Sorry ma but mr sagir asked us not to ever let you come into the office the security guard said .

Mister please, you have to help me I can even go on my knees please I pleaded .

Sorry ma ; but if I let you in i will loose my job he tried to reason with us .

Thank you sir leena spoke for the first time and we left for the sitting area .

Leena I'm doomed I said wiping away the unknown tears in my eyes .

No hassana don't say that please you are not doomed every hardship comes ease so all you have to do is to pray and have patience ok leena said and I nodded .

Sagir 's pov .

I got back to the office angrily and check for that important file I gave  hassana the other day and I didn't see it .

Damn it I said under my breath.

What's wrong bro , since when you came back you've been acting somehow what happened denni asked .

It's that freaking good for nothing girl hassana first she spoils my meeting and then next she lost that file that contains 50% details of the company I roared .

First have you spoken to the Hassana he asked .

No I didn't even want to see her face because she disgust me I replied.

Ok how about we go to her house and ask her then you can do whatever you want with her he suggested.

Ok I nodded and we left.

@ hassana 's house .

Asalamu alaikum hassana and leena salamed while they entered the house .

Wa alaikumus salam husaina and mama answered.

Aah hassana why are you back soon is it because sag gave you a free leave for the day husaina said wiggling her eyebrows.

I wish I said under my breath .

It's nothing let me go and freshen up I said and I and leena left for my room .

I took a shower and washed my hair and dried it with the dryer and did a ponytail then up on a sky blue sweatpants with an ash hoodie and leena also took her bath and wore an ash sweatpants and a purple shirt with her veil . And we jogged downstairs for dinner.

Asalamu alaikum we chorused and sat down in the dinining table.

Wa alaikumus salam they replied and we dug in our food when the bell was rung and ya moha went to open the door .

Sagir 's pov .

We got to her house and her brother opened the door for us .

Aah sag hw fr moha asked .

Fine fa I replied and we all shook hand and went to the dinning area where everyone was .
When we got there I saw a beautiful hassana sitting down with an ash hoodie and her hair in ponytail.

I kept looking at her till she covered her hair with her hoodie cap and  denni nudged me because the way everyone was looking at me weirdly and her mom and dad smiling.

Ohh asalamu alaikum we both salamed .

Wa alaikumus salam sagir what brings you here please join us for dinner her dad said .

Uhmm I came to have a word with hassana I said and I and denni sat down to eat .

Hey bro in law hussaina waved .

Hello I greeted back and sat down.  Everyone dug in their food and ate in silence.

After dinner.

Uhmm hassana can we talk privately I asked .

Yeah sure she replied and we went to their garden outside.

Hassana what you did today was soo disappointing that I've even lost respect for you if you knew that you take drug or alcohol you should have told me but no u kept quiet and I fucking lost an important contract and that didn't matter to me what made it worst is that I can't find that important file that I gave you I snapped at her and she was seriously crying.

I'm so-rry I rea-lly did-nt mean to do it and by Allah I don't take a-l -cohol or anything and I will go to the office tomorrow and give you the file then I will leave forever I promise she said and left the garden running and crying.

I sat down in one of the chairs and brushed my hair with my hands due to frustration and that is no 1 I hate seeing women cry and 2 I hate the way I snapped at her .

Agrhhhh I shouted and threw a vase and broke it and left the house without deeni because he was engrossed in whatever they were talking about with moha .

Hassana's pov.

I ran to my room and avoided everyone that were asking me what was wrong and locked the door and slipped down the floor and cried my cry out .

How can he call me a drunkard I thought and the crying increased . Out of all people in the world a drunkard .

I stood up and went to the bathroom and looked at myself in a mirror ;I look so awful I thought ,then I decided to perform ablution , then picked my ash hijab and prayed nawafil and poured my heart to Allah. After praying I read the Quran for an hour and decided to tuck myself to sleep and slept off with different thoughts .

O my god so sanar ( ship name for sagir and hassana) is ending even when it has not started we'll keep tune and also comment on ship name ideas and please I don't like the silence my reader correct me if I'm wrong or do anything just comment please 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻.

Ismat loves and cares ♥️♥️♥️♥️


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