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Hassana's pov

Time went sooo fast that it's already one month to the wedding " a lot of guests trooped in and out of both sageer's and i's houses .

Mama and my mother in-law went to Egypt , Dubai and India to buy all the necessary things needed .
They also bought the kayan lefe which was 20 boxes both for me and my parents the day just keeps recalling in my head .

I was woken up by ammi in an early Tuesday morning with a slap .

Ouch ammi I said rubbing the place " good morning ammi I greeted .

Good morning and would you get up I won't be surprise if I see you back with your bags 2 months after your wedding because of this sleep she hissed and entered my closet.

Ammi sageer loves me soo much for that " he wouldn't even dare I said she entered the bathroom to take my bath because I'm off so no need to pray .

She said nonchalant words and I heard the door's sound closing indicating she left.

I took my bath, rubbed one cream my Somalian aunt bought for me ( ps: ammi is half cast Somalian to be precise but only speaks the language with her sisters and us sometimes ) and sprayed my Arabian perfume and wore a red Ankara gown and tied the head gear then went downstairs.

Subax wanagsan abti qurux badan ( good morning my beautiful aunts )I greeted in Somali because if I greeted them in English I would have not heard the end of it .'

Subax wanaagsan aroosadayada qurux badan (good morning to you too our beautiful bride )aunt Sarah the eldest among them replied .

How are you my dear aunt Aidah the second to the last born asked " I'm fine Alhamdulillah aunt , where is my baby asad I cooed the baby is soo cute .

He is fine and he didn't agree to sleep with me today but with your elder brother for some reason I don't know she replied and we all laughed.

Subax wanaagsan abti qurux badan hussaina greeted them and pecked them all in their cheeks .

Good morning hussaina dear how are you aunt safa asked .

I'm doing good favorite aunt she replied " aunt so husaina is your favorite ba you didn't even ask how I was doing I said pouting.

Abeg don't disturb me you should wait till you go to sageer's house then you will do all these she teased " aunt safaaaa I said palming my face and blushed .

Hassana!!! What are you still doing here , my ammi
asked her hands in her akimbo " I came to greet the aunts but I'm going to eat now .

So you've not even eaten and you know that they will be here in 30 minutes just go Muhammad, Amal and zee are waiting for you with asad and you can eat out ammi said pushing me and hussaina outside the house.

Good morning ya Sally's husband to be and baby mama ( ya afrah got married last year and is 5 months pregiee) we said teasingly ." Wallahi you twins won't be the end of me ya moha said, Muhammad leave my babies alone Is it not true ya afrah said and we high fived now . Which restaurant should we go to he asked .

Let's go to serendib restaurant I've been craving their steak I suggested and they all agreed and we left the house .

Asad boo boo how are you I cooed nuzzling my nose with the two year old Somali cute kid on my lap ."I'm fine anyi hassana (aunty ) he replied and that's how he told us about his day care through out the ride and also played with zee the boy can talk for Africa .

We arrived at the restaurant and ate then we went to shoprite and bought junks for the sleepover we are having then went home .

We entered the house and greeted all the aunts both from my mom's and dad's side then we went to ammi's room and met her with aunt safa discussing .

Aunt safa started yodeling as soon as she saw me " hassana you are really lucky have you seen the boxes masha Allah she cooed .

I smiled and left the room to were my friends and the boxes are ." 20 freaking boxes bestie amna shouted immediately I entered the room .

Swear I asked in surprise " do I look like I'm joking she said and I entered the room where the boxes are .

Hassana you sure are lucky see what sageer got for you oo Faisal should hurry up and bring his people oo I want this too leena shouted and hugged me .

He literally bought me an iPhone 13 ya afrah said munching on chip .foodie I thought

I'm soo happy oh Allah . I said starting to tear up " this is soo amaizing may Allah continue to put barakah I prayed and they all muttered an ameen and continued checking the clothes out .

I went to my room picked my phone and called sageer , it rang three times then he declined and immediately called back a routine he does .

Assalamu alaikum habibty he salamed " wa alaikumus sallam ya Omri I replied ." Thank you soo much sageer I really appreciate it I love you sooo much I said and wiped my tears .. ughh period hormones.

Babe you don't have to thank me it's my duty and I've been looking for you everywhere to catch a glimpse but the gorgeous mother in law I have scolded me and even hit me fa he said and I laughed ." Alhamdulillah for this type of man Allah has destined me with .

So ammi also does that to you i said still laughing ." Tell me something I don't know of he replied and we talked for an hour before I ended the call because he wanted to pray .

O Allah thank you for giving me this kind of spouse and family and I pray that you continue to shower us with happiness in the world thank you ya Allah I prayed .

Shamsiyyah's pov ( remember the evil cousin )

Hassana just continue to pray because all this happiness you are getting won't last long so enjoy it while it last . I promise to ruin you hassana muhammad mark my words. ( author's note : hassana did not think about this POV because she doesn't know it happened I just decided to place the POV here)

So that's how the day went in a blur and it's already a month to the wedding and I can't wait to be mrs sageer the feeling is mutual .

Earth to sis in-law ya Sally said waving her hands at my face ." What are you thinking about like this leena ask."isn't it obvious dummy she is thinking for her omri amna said and they all laughed .

No it's not that I'm just feeling somehow I don't even know scared , happy , nervous like everything is just going soo fast and I don't know if I would be a good wife I finally spilled out what has been bothering me .

Don't worry hassana and it's normal to get all this jitters before the wedding so you don't need to worry ok and about being a good wife , you are going to be the best wife In Sha Allah ohk ya sally advised and I nodded my head .

We are surely going to miss ya deeza said ." You guys know that I'm not going to die right and we will still be meeting in university ( author's note : you guys remember that they are not graduates right they just went to companies to do internship) .

Yeah right !! Group hug manal said and we all hugged I'm surely going to miss being single I thought .

Yoooooo!!!!!! Peeps how are you guys doing sorry for the late update and I hope you enjoy this little one .......

Ismat ❣️

Happily yours 💜💜❤️❤️ ( a Hausa - English story)Where stories live. Discover now