Plan B

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            ( Dis POV is from ya gurll Emma ) I grabbed the hanger ready to zip-line across from the wall to free doom. It was just me and Ray left, we had to hurry I could hear Mama's foot steps, " My dear children please don't go..." I could feel my heart race, I was confident. Until a voice crept " Okay " RAY? I felt my heart stop, me and mama both stuttered " W- what?". My thoughts were all jumbled, didn't Ray spent all his life planning this escape. " You win, Mama " he smiled, suddenly I felt a push " Sayorana Emma" ( Goodbye Emma ). Wh- what?!? What is going on? Am I dreaming, " w- wait" but it was too late. I look at the other kids , and start running , 'Ray if you can hear me I love you please be okay'.

      Ray looks at Mama, Mama laughs " Ray dear, please bring the banners" Mama could feel her stomach twist. Although Ray was a puppet to her, she still loved him dearly. Ray laughed " Sorry mama" then Ray did the unthinkable he tied the white ropes to his neck " I love you Mama", Isabella could barely comprehend what he was doing, Mama tried to stop him, but .... He fell off the cliff , dragging the ropes down with him. Isabella didn't care anymore, although her and Ray never had a good relation, she still had a real relationship with him, she could be real, and not sugarcoated . She went after them..................

Noray Oneshots / Tpn SkitsTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon