Royalty Au Part 2

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     I head to my study after a bath planning on how to get rid of Ray. I think that stabbing him, and then disposing his body in the nearby river could work. I read a bit more until getting interrupted by a knight. He walked in and said " You said that you needed some information about him, your highness", I nodded, he left some paper on my desk. I checked the first one, it says 'Ray -------- , head of class, and being adopted by ------- and --------' I searched through the titles , but there were never any more copies based on his birth nor family information after the adoption. There is no official information! I sigh, he is either in a scandal or from a poor family. I thought about sparing him for he would be a good asset to intellect, but intellect my ass he only has a self-written biography. I open his supposed bio, and there's not a damn picture of him. This Ray is really getting on my damn nerves. I walk out of my study to fetch my sword. I'm not waiting for this kill.

I slowly get out of my room to make sure not to be heard, nor seen. I get my silver sword and am more than ready to slay him. I head to his room before noticing his door open, where could he be. Ugh is he in Emma's room, It's getting annoying of men hanging around my women. I sigh whilst I walk to Emma's sleeping quarter , I see no sign of an entering , my guards also report no footsteps or people near her room. Now I'm really mad. Then i recall what Duchess Isabella said ' He would either be in the library or in the imperial garden', hmmm unfortunately her grace has made it easier to kill her own pawn. I will first check the main library , I thought while tucking my sword into my belt. I checked for a while but no sight of him, this brat is taking a little longer to kill. And it's making me mad, It was already 12:20, who in their right mind stays up that late.

( lol, me )

I go to check in the garden , and unsurprisingly I see footprints . Finally I can finally slaughter him. I went near the coast of the river where the footprints had led , there was a marble porch so the footprints had stopped. The porch was on a high balcony, so you could see the forest and river all under the moonlight. This was just an abandoned porch, so he probably retreated, I should leave but I can't. It all looked so majestic. Suddenly the gate I lean on collapsed and I started falling down.

Well that is until I feel a hand grab me, and pull me up. I felt my sword slice into their stomach, " th-thank you for saving me" I managed to stutter before I looked at him.

He had the most beautiful eyes that reflected all the stars , and his ravenette hair looked messy yet so soft. His skin was paler than the moon. His beauty shined in the moonlight. Then I realized that . . . . . It was Ray...............

heh I m backkkk (ik dat I updated a day ago but still) Yess I have motivation noww! soo yeah sorry dis is short only 589 words T-T , I'll try ma best to update soon!!

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