
582 15 4

2013 (13,489 sub. 400 watching live.)
(17 or 18 y/o)
"Hey, everyone welcome to our live!" Y/n says as she sits in her chair in-front her laptop. There was a bright smile spread on her face as she saw people tumbling into their live on Instagram . "How was you all's day?"

The chat spammed with plenty of responses. Some on topic some off.

@Mimi_dagoat my day was good!!
@allPromos GooD
@stfuDanny. bad, sadly
@y/nxtetsuro. My day was boring asf
@kuroo.simps WHERES KUROO?!??
@slimmshaddyy. It was Alr
@call_me_daddy Heyyy Y/N

"To anyone who had a bad day, I hope that tomorrow is better. And to anyone had had a boring day you definitely aren't alone. Last to all who had a good day..uhh good for you." You continued to talk to the people who were currently watching. "We'll get started when Tetsuro comes and joins us. He always takes his sweet precious time. In the mean time enjoy me and Motisuke's company!"

"Hmmm? Yes we're still in school right now." Yaku answered a new question that popped up. "And Konaha we're on lunch right now so shut up."

2017 (2.3mil subs. 50k watching live)
(23 y/o)
"Is it night where you are?" You read out from the comments, turning your head to look at the window behind you. "Does it look like it's night? .......Yeah it's night. It's like 8pm here." You replied, when Kuroo had finally came to sit down. He had on his pjs and held two cups. One with your f/d and any other with his.

"How the hell are we doing a mukbang with no food?" He asked you with a dumb expression on his face. While you began to laugh to laugh.

"Oh damn I forgot!" You said hitting your thigh as you laughed.

"Y/n you're stupid. But anyways-" He paused to look at the screen. His eyes trailed to the amount to viewers, 50,233. Then to the chat. "Eww there's 50 thousand creepy crawlers watching me. All in my business. That's kinda weird." He eyes trailed away as he did the Debby Ryan.

@gshiiiiit Here comes the thirsty mfks 😐
@want_youily HEYY KUROO
@baddiest_barb You look good 👀👀
@amy.killa Y/n you're so lucky!!
@fannypackz Plz stawppp
@call_me_daddy Y'all lookin at Tetsuro I'm looking at Y/N HOT DAMN I'm so gay 😏☝️
@liluglywayne The Shirt-OFF. NOWWW!!!🥵☝️
@offical_juju Y'all are just horrible in the chat SMFH

"We've really gotta stop calling our viewers Creepy Crawlers. And y'all need to stop fawning over my best friend."

"Best Friendddddddd?!?" He leaned back, looking at Y/n with a questioning face. "I didn't know that best friends have se- wait actually some do. But BEST-FRIEND???"

"That's what I said isn't?"



He stared into your soul. "Y/nnnnn stop playing. We've been dating for almost four years now!"He whined shaking you by the shoulders.

"Ok. And?"

"When I make you my wife you can't keep saying stuff like that."

2020(story's present day/year. no covid)
(6.8mil subs)
(Currently vlogging)
(26 y/o)

"Y/N! What're you doing?" Kuroo called out to you as you paused your phone.

You turned around to him, as he walked over to you. You both shared a small kiss before he looked down at your phone. "I was watching these video clip mashups fans made of us." You laughed slightly.

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