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3rd person POV

"Just a couple of people." Kuroo shrugged as he moved his hands down to your waist. But you moved his hands away and did a quick step forward.

"What do you mean a couple?" You spun around to face him. He had a confused look drawn across his face.

"Uhh the usual."

"Right. Ok I'll see you in there." You hurriedly walked inside, to look around for "the usual."

Kenma stepped out of his car shaking his head. "Tsk tsk. What did you do?" He closed his car door behind him, then locking it. Kuroo still stood in confusion.

"I- I don't even know. Kenma this can't go wrong. I had so much planned for today. One wrong move and- oh my fucking- I don't even know what I did."

"I know. I know. And I already told you that everything will be fine. You've got this ok? Now pick up your feet and get to moving." Kenma began to push Kuroo to the front of the restaurant. "You're late to your own reservation party get together type thing- the point is that you're late."


"Kuroo what took you so long? Y/n's already here!" Bokuto called out to Kuroo and Kenma as he walked over to them. "Hey~"

"Nothing." Kuroo replied breaking their quick hug.

"He's tripping because Y/n's probably mad at him." Kenma abruptly uttered to Bokuto who laughed.

"Yeah I figured. She walked over there looking slightly aggravated. Or deep in thought. Oh well I'm sure that everything is fine." Bokuto shrugged.

"That's what I keep telling him but he's being sensitive for whatever reason."

After Kenma said that Kuroo began to walk away from the other two. He ignored their calls towards him.

"See Bokuto he's being sensitive." Kenma said while Bokuto nodded in agreement. "Well let's go. Is Akaashi here?"

"Yeah he was talking to Atsumu or Hinata I don't know."


Everyone sat that the giant table that was preserved. The waiters had already came over to take their orders. "Oh everyone don't worry about paying Kenma said that he's got us." Y/n told all of us who sat at the table.

"REALLY? Thanks Kenma!" Hinata called out with a huge smile on his face. More people began to say thank you but Kenma sat in disbelief.

"Who-Who said that? Because I know it wasn't me."

"Everyone give it up for my dear friend Kozume he's so kind and charming. He's really going out of his way to pay for all of us." Kuroo abruptly said which earned cheers for everyone at the table. Bokuto praised Kenma saying "YEAH KENMA MY MAN! WOO!!!" was the person with the hard ass claps. Juzo(extra character) had told him to sit down at stop being extra multiple times.

"Who the fuck said that?!" Kenma asked once more. "Y'all are grown adults I don't have nobody. I told you all this years ago. It's me myself and I."

"Oh." Hinata and Bokuto both sat down at the saddening news.

"Yeah sit down. Kenma you'll still pay for me right?" Y/n's friend Sandra asked him with an innocent look on her face. Y/n, Kuroo, and two other people knew that she liked him and they've been talking apparently but Kenma never speaks on it. The two of them were sitting next to each other. He nodded giving here an approval and she gave him a tight squeeze. While everyone else just watched in shock. Then not even thirty seconds later Kenma received plenty of 'boo's" from his sudden act of favoritism.

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