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Duncan had given explicit instructions to for Jamie to meet him in the training gym. Duncan hadn't, however, given any instructions on where that was and when Jamie had asked Duncan he had just smiled and said, "you'll figure it out."

When Jamie left the room he was greeted by a long concrete corridor with black doors on either side. He looked to his left and to his right. When he did, he could hear the murmur of voices at the far end. He followed the sound.

As he walked down the hallway the voices got louder and he found a pair of swinging doors with a circular window near the top. He peered through.

Inside was a cafeteria full of guards dressed in black uniforms. Despite being in a cafeteria, none of them were eating food. They were all drinking a dark red liquid. Jamie took a step back. It was true. They were all like him. They were drinking blood.

He always thought he was an accident, but maybe there was something he had in common with them that made them this way. 

Jamie spun on his heels and immediately knocked into a muscular body. It didn't budge.

"Jamie," the Captain smiled showing off his teeth.

"I'm sorry. I was just looking for Duncan." Jamie took a step back. Even though Jamie had been invited here, he still felt like he had been caught snooping. Especially since he'd been caught be the guy in charge.

 The man only stood a head taller than Jamie, but Jamie felt much smaller in comparison. "Ah, yes, he said he'd be training you today. I'm glad you've accepted our offer." The Captain said smoothly.

"Right..." Jamie shifted on his feet.

"You'll find him in building two." The Captain offered. He pointed in an a direction behind him. "Keep following the hall and head to the right."

"Thanks." Jamie replied, unsure why someone so high ranking was being so helpful to a newbie like Jamie.

"You don't have to worry, Jamie. We look out for each other. You're not alone anymore." The Captain clapped a cold hand on Jamie's shoulder and continued into the cafeteria. 

You're not alone anymore. The words echoed in Jamie's head. He's always had his brother, and he'd always thank him for that, but Finn had never really known what it was like. 

But here there were a bunch of people just like him who had gone through the same thing, that felt the same urges and had learned to overcome and live a normal life with them. And that's all Jamie wanted--to not feel like an outcast.

. . 

Jamie continued through the hallways and eventually found the gym where Duncan was waiting. 

The heavy metal doors shut with a clank that echoed in the gym. Jamie noticed again that there were no windows, just like the room he'd stayed in and the cafeteria.

"You're late," Duncan scowled.

"In my defense, you didn't exactly give me clear directions." 

"I didn't have to."

Jamie's face must've shown his confusion because Duncan sighed and began to explain. "You're a creature with heightened smell and hearing. Didn't you think to use it to find this place?"

Jamie hadn't.

Duncan crossed the room to Jamie and pushed him to sit on a cushioned box. "Close your eyes and tell me what you hear." Duncan crossed his arms.

Grudgingly Jamie did so. He listened. "Punching bags, chains rattling, weights dropping, footsteps..."

"Okay and what do you smell?" 

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