The Truth

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The door to Finn's room slammed shut as Jamie whirled around to face his brother. "I knew  I heard someone last night!" Jamie whispered through gritted teeth. "Kaid saw us. Saw me." Jamie could feel himself losing it. It was the anger and all of the other emotions that came with what he was that were making him lose it. He could feel his teeth getting pointed again.

Jamie was getting riled up. He could feel it rising up in him. The monster. It was making his hands shake. The monster wanted Jamie to get angry and loose control. It wanted to come out and play and devour something... Jamie clenched his hands into a tight fist, digging his nails into his palms

"He doesn't know anything," Finn's ever-calming voice soothed. He always was an anchor for Jamie. He was always able to calm him down. "It was dark. We don't know how much Kaid saw."

Jamie rolled his eyes and took a centering breath. He couldn't get worked up over something as small as this. He wouldn't lose control. Much calmer Jamie said, "He saw me last night and he saw me healed this morning. He has to know somethings going on." 

Finn knew Jamie was right. He had been at the table when Kaid made the realization. "Even if he does...He didn't say anything. Maybe he's willing to listen." Finn offered again.

"People aren't very reasonable these days when it comes to me." Jamie said flatly. "They stab first and ask questions later, just like those guys did last night."

"We could try." Finn offered. "They are both good people and they've proved that. We might be able to reason with them."

"Finn!" Jamie's anger boiled over. The outburst made Finn take a step back. "When are you going to get it? People are afraid of me. They don't see me as a person. They see me as a Duskie. Everyone is either too afraid to talk to me or tries to kill me." He took a breath. "Those guys last night... they weren't the first. I don't belong here anymore."

"And where do you suppose you'd go?" Finn asked quietly.

"I don't know? Somewhere I can't hurt anyone."

Because neither of them said anything, Jamie went to lie on Finn's bed and threw and hand over his eyes. The world got darker and he liked it that way. He was tired and he could feel his daily dose wearing off. He felt it in the aches in his joints and the waves of anger that were flowing through him. He knew he was going through his doses too fast. His body was becoming resilient. There was no doubt about it. Sooner or later he would have to leave this place for everyone's safety.

"Is that what you're so afraid of? Is that why you've been distant lately? Because you're afraid of hurting them?" Finn asked softly. Jamie could feel Finn's body sit on the edge of the bed.

"Finn," Jamie sighed. "I'm fine. Don't worry about it." Jamie rolled over so that his back was facing his brother. "You're right. I just overreacted." He couldn't bring himself to say the truth.

"Don't you dare lie to me." Finn spoke up. His tone was serious, but not accusing. He heard this a lot from his brother. Don't lie to me.

Jamie sat up then. "Look," he sighed again and rubbed his eyes. "It's not a big deal. We will figure it out just like everything else, just like we always have." Jamie smiled but his brother knew it was fake.

There was a loud banging before Finn could answer. Two voices could be heard in the hallway before the door to Finn's room burst open.

Kaid stood in the doorway with a confused Andie behind him. "Kaid! What the hell?" she whispered at him.

He ignored her and pulled out a dagger that gleamed in the light. "You have five seconds to explain how the hell it's possible."

"What are you talking about?" Finn asked innocently.

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