Old Friends

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"So they're just watching us...and you're not creeped out by that?" Andie asked. She had her arms crossed at her chest and her hip popped out to one side.

After the boys came back from their meeting with the Captain they all gathered in a circle inside of their housing. They had to figure out what their next moves were and this was the closest thing they had to a team meeting.

"They just want to make sure they can trust us and we won't cause any trouble, Finn explained.

"Why are you looking at me when you say that," Kaid sighed "when we have Dracula on our team," he extended an arm to exhibit the ex-Duskie, who was also standing in their circle. "And the science experiment with a more than aggressive appetite?" Kaid looked at Jamie now. Jamie glared back at Kaid. 

"Because in their eyes we're all innocent, and you're the one that sleeps with a gun under his pillow." Jamie retorted.

Kaid rolled his eyes. "It's self preservation."

Finn put his arms out to try and cool the conversation. "Just try and blend in for the next week or so. That goes for everyone. Okay?"

"We can do that." Andie smiled. She took Kaid's hand in hers. "Let's take a walk and see what this place looks like in the daylight." Grudgingly, Kaid followed her lead out the door.

A part of Jamie wished that his life was as simple as theirs. Being able to just walk around in the daylight or holding hands with a cute girl and not feeling like he wanted to bite her at any moment. Must be nice.

The two left the building, leaving Jamie, Finn, and the ex-duskie behind. Jamie laid on his bed and put the pillow over his head.

He didn't think that his daytime induced headaches were going away any time soon. Everything just seemed a bit too bright and a bit too loud during the day. It took all the energy he could muster to try and act remotely like a human and not a blood starved zombie. 

"I'm going to go see if I can find any food." Jamie heard Finn say. "Do you--are you hungry?" He must've been asking the ex-Duskie because he responded, "No. I'm not."

"All right." Finn didn't ask Jamie because he knew the last time Jamie had anything to eat. Little did Finn know that Jamie already could feel the hunger coming back. There was an ache in his throat, his senses heightened to help hunt down prey, he felt groggy and restless at the same time.

Jamie heard the door click shut and Finn's light footsteps fade away on the brick outside.

Then there was silence. Well, mostly. Jamie could hear the sound of life around him. There were birds chirping, children waking up and starting to play outside, basketballs bouncing that eerily reminded Jamie of a heartbeat...

He rolled over to his side trying to ignore it. He probably needed some sleep. He hadn't slept much the night before--in fact he'd been nearly wide awake. It was probably just because they were staying in a new place and he wasn't used to his surroundings...

His eyes felt heavy now. His head was cloudy. He shut his eyes.

"Don't you think it's weird," The ex-Duskie asked just as Jamie was starting to rest. "That even under medical examination they didn't find anything wrong with us?"

"Maybe they don't have as good of doctors as they think." Jamie mumbled.

"Anyone who had any basic medical training would be able to notice that your heartbeat is slower than it should be, or if they looked into your eyes with a light that they are dilated more than they should be, or the--"

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