I am tierd as fuck

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Hey y'all here I am sorry for not updating, enjoy the shit story. Also say hi to my dog ( her name is Jazz)

I slid into my room and tried to at least get an hour of sleep. But all to quickly my alarm went off. I dragged myself out of bed and got dressed. I went downstairs avoiding beer cans and my dead drunk dad on the couch and slipped out the door.

"Midoriya, hey"

"Oh hey todo" I walked with todoroki all the way to UA dreading it with every step, honestly todoroki was the only reason I was still going to this dumb fucking school, oh and I'm being gaslighted by my father but whatever.
"Hey midoriya are you okay?"

"Yeah I am fine" he had a skeptical look on his face but I ignored it and walked into the classroom. Everyone went quiet when I walked in and I felt there eyes on me, oh god how I hated that feeling.

"Sit down, I am tired so we are going to watch a movie"

"But Aizawa sensei that is n-"

"Shut up Iida" and he flopped on the ground in his sleeping bag leaving us to watch frozen ll
That was a mistake, cause that led to half the class dancing on desks singing into the unknown. Mr. Aizawa left

(god I want some fucking Chinese)

I wasn't hungry so I just sat up in a tree because I am antisocial like that.


Oh great it mister I go to bed at 8:30pm like a fucking toddler


"How about no" and I proceeded to give him a not so nice hand gesture, that probably wasn't a very good idea because he started hitting the tree like he gonna cut it down like some fucking lumberjack or something

"Young bakugo please stop, and Young Midoriya please get down that is not safe"

Oh great mister stick figure another person I didn't want to see. I reluctantly jumped down and proceeded to bolt away leaving yelling behind me.

God I hate school but it's not like home is any better. I dragged myself to my next class and zoned out for the last couple hours.

I got up when the bell rang to avoid as many people as possible so I don't have to waste any more energy, I quietly opened the door and tried to sneak up the steps but he caught me.

"Oi brat come here!"

"Yes? Is there something you need?"

"Shut up don't give me that fucking sass?!"

He proceeded to whip out his belt, thank god he wasn't wearing the one either metal belt buckle. That thing hurts like a bitch.

"That'll teach you a lesson, anyway your needed by 'them' tonight, so go get ready"

Fuck I hated that musty fucking bar, I really didn't want to go I could feel my hands shaking as I walked up the steps. It could be fear or pain honestly it was probably a mix of both but still I just wanted to sleep. Still I prepared myself for the meeting and honestly I didn't know when I would be back.

Okay so I don't know if I should keep updating this cause honestly I really hate it. But anyway if y'all want me to continue just say so but just warning you updates won't be very consistent

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