becoming his santa fe - jack x oc

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this is four times longer than the last one...


3rd Person POV

Ever since Jack Kelly was a little boy, he had dreamed of going to Santa Fe. It symbolized hope for him, especially in the darkest times of his life. When his father showed him a Santa Fe brochure when he was around six years old, when he escaped his toxic household at the age of 13 to live with Miss Medda Larkin, when he entered high school and found his big group of friends. Throughout all the good and the bad, Santa Fe was always there for him. No matter what.

Lately, Santa Fe had been becoming less of a symbol of hope, and more of a reminder of his past.


Beer bottles.

Heavy, drunken breathing and stumbling footsteps.

Doors kicked down and chokeholds formed.

Bag packed.


After many years of days like those, Jack had no choice but to run. He ran as fast as his little 13 year old body could carry itself, and it ended up taking him to Irving Hall. The home of Miss Medda, who took him in and adopted him as her son.

About a month after little Jack had been adopted, Medda brought home with her a letter from the nearby police station, addressed to her son. Inside, was a few simple words that stuck out to him the most:

Father, Jail, Lifetime.

That was the night when Jack first called Medda his mother.

Santa Fe had always seemed like a runaway to him. A good place to be alone, undisturbed, where no one knows you and where you could start fresh. That was all 13 year old Jack wanted. But now, he wasn't sure.

Now, he had a reason to stay.


Amelia's POV

"Hey Mimi." I heard from behind me as I was stuffing my textbooks into my locker. I turned around to see the one and only Jack Kelly, who also happened to be my boyfriend of five months. "Hi Jackie." I smiled up at him as he gave me a side hug, kissed my cheek, then released me. We started walking to the front doors of the school, seeing as it was the end of the day.

"What are you doing tonight?" He asked me while grabbing my hand and lacing his fingers with mine. I shrugged. "I'm going to Albert's house, he said he'd meet me at the front doors. He also said that we haven't spent that much time together lately, and he misses his best friend." He chuckled. "I have kinda been hogging you the past few weeks. I understand how Albert would miss you. Being third wheel to Race and Spot all the time isn't fun." He giggled as he swung our connected hands back and fourth.

(I'm sorry I ship race with both spot and albert so this lowkey contradicts my last oneshot but whateva)

"What are you doing tonight?" I questioned while looking up at him. "I'm going to mom's theatre tonight, she wants me to paint her a new backdrop." His beautiful, green eyes lit up slightly when he spoke about his passion. "That sounds fun, Jackie. How is your mom doing?" I asked him. "Shes doing great. Business is great, she's enjoying herself, and she's kind of mad at me that I've been hogging you lately when you come over. She misses seeing you." He looked at his feet as he walked, obviously slightly embarrassed. I giggled and tightened my grip on his hand.

As we got to the front doors of the school and walked outside, Jack pulled me into a hug, wrapping his strong arms around my waist and burying his face into the crook of my neck. "How do you smell so good all the time? Like seriously, you smell like a candy store." He whined. I rolled my eyes. "You're one to talk. When I steal your hoodies, I wear them every single day when I get home, and I wash them. They STILL smell like you afterwards." I could feel his smirk. "Is that such a bad thing?"  He asked. I shook my head. "It just irritates me how you can smell so good all the time." I shrugged as I ran my fingers through his hair.

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