Chapter 3

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A/N: This chapter is going to be a little bit o-0

Suga's POV:

As I entere the gym, all I could see was Noya running up to Daichi and asking him something. 

Oh Daichi...

He's the love of my life

I've liked him for a really long time, I doubt he likes me though,

I'm really weird and chaotic...

I want to have the courage to ask him out, but, when I try to, my anxiety goes through the roof.

"Alright then Noya, I guess we can, but only for today." I hear Daichi say.

"YES!" Noya does love to scream doesn't he.

I see Daichi walk over to me,

"Hey Suga is it cool if we play truth or dare? Noya suggested it."

Why is he asking me this? I guess it could be fun.

"Sure, I don't see the harm in it. Besides it's always good to have day off from practicing."

Did I just see Daichi blush a little? It must just me, I mean it can get a bit hot in the gym sometimes.

(Time skip to when their sitting down brought to you by Tendou's bootiful singing U^U) 

When we're all seated I see Noya grinning. What is he up to?

"Right so seeing as I'm the one you suggested this, I shall be the one to ask the first person" Noya stated

Dear Asahi our Lord and Saviour, please help us from this energetic delinquent.

"Ok so, TSUKKISHIMA TRUTH OR DARE!" Noya screams

"truth" Tsukkishima says back to Noya in his normal dull tone

"Who was your first kiss?" 

Oh, so that's what he's doing, this is going to be good.

I saw a tint of blush show up on Tsukkishima's face, I then turn to see Yamaguchi blushing. Wait, a minute, oh my god! 

"Well, it was, um."

"Come on Tsukkidude! Spit it out!" Tanaka spurted out

"It was Yams, ok. You happy now?" Tsukkishima blurted 

I turn to see Yamaguchi in a blushing mess. Hehe this is going to be fun~

"I'm satisfied. You can ask someone now"

Tsukkishima looks at me. Shit. What did I ever do to you Tsukkishima?



"Truth or dare?"

"Truth" I'm gonna regret this aren't I?

"Do you have any kinks?" 

WTF! What kind of question is that?!?!?! Oh god and Daichi is right there. UGH!

"Well if you must know, I have a dom/sub kink."

That was embarrassing. But it felt good to get it off my chest I guess.


This bitch, I swear.

"Well it's my turn now."

I take a look around the room before my eyes lock with a very excited boy.

"Hinata, trut-"

"DARE I AIN'T NOT WUSSY!" I'm guessing he likes truth or dare.

"Hm" Damn, trying to come up with a dare is hard, wait, I have the perfect one. "Hinata, go outside and scream something that your crush says to you" I already know who it is, but I just wanna see anyway. 

Hinata is a blushing mess right now, basically the colour of a tomato.

"Go on Hinata, you said you aren't a wussy." Tsukkishima says with a smile, followed by Yamaguchi snickering.

"Fine, I will."

Hinata gets up and walks to the door, he then opens it and stands outside. He just stands there for a good minute before screaming;


I knew it.

"I did it, see I ain't no wussy!"

"I don't sound like that!" 

"Yes you do Bakayama!"


This has suddenly turned very interesting. 

(Time skip brought to you by Goshiki's fine ass hair 😩🤚)

As I was walking home after a fun day, I see Daichi and run after him.

"Hey Daichi wait up!"

"Hm? Oh hi Suga what do you need?"

"Well my parents are out for the next month, and you know how I don't like to be alone, so I was wondering-"

"You were wondering if I could stay over at your house?"

"Yeah... But you don't have to."

"It's cool, I would love to stay over."


"I'll see you tomorrow then?"

"Uh, yeah! Bye Daichi."

"Bye Suga."

I can't wait for tomorrow...

A/N: Sorry I haven't posted for a bit, my mental health is shit right now and I have to go back to school as well 🙂💅


Words: 707

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