Chapter One: Hidden

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I took a deep sigh as I glance over the profiles of potential actors and actresses for the next film that I'm working with.

They are all famous personalities that casted over big films already. However, that was the problem here. Just because they are big names does not mean that they are good enough.

"Is this all?" I glared at the staff who brought the files in my office.

"Y-yes, Daiki-kantoku..." the staff stuttered.

I caressed my forehead because of this stress. They want me to put these small fries in my film? Do they not understand what I want to make in my film so far? This is hopeless.

"Tell the higher ups to find a new director. I'm dropping this project." I nonchalantly said and stood up from my seat.

"B-but kantoku... we can't do that!" The staff pleaded. "It was already announced in the public!"

I walked passed him and said, "Do you want me to personally announce my withdrawal on public?"

He flinched at what I said. It sounded rather threatening for him. Of course it would threaten them seriously. If I was to announce it personally, not just the sponsors will back down but also the audience's expectations.

The staff clenched his fist in irritation and glared at me. Out of nowhere he launched at me.

"D-don't screw with us! Who do you think you are? You're just a brat that got a lucky streak by making some student level film! We are all working here for years, aren't you too disrespectful towards your seniors?!" The staff tugged my collar and raised his voice at me.

I snickered at him. "Heh. Just working for a longer time doesn't mean that you old people are better than me. You should tell me that once you reached the international level by a 'student level film' you are talking about, ossan."

He gritted his teeth in annoyance and was about to raise his fist to hit me but I caught it midair. "You brat...!"

"My, my, are old people like this? Using violence just because everything doesn't go the way they want?" I moved towards his back while still pulling his arm. He grunted in pain when I pulled it harder.

"When I think about it, aren't adults more childish than the younger ones?" I said coldly at him.

When I let go of him, he fell straight to the floor. "Don't come near me again." I looked down on him. "Don't worry, I'll still support the film in an announcement as a form of apology."

With that I left the office and walked outside.

What a troublesome company. This is the first time that I decided to work under some kind of company but they are just trying to use my name to hook audiences. They don't actually acknowledge my skills just because I'm younger. That's stupid!

In this world, the younger ones are normally looked down upon. Because they don't have experiences, so they are inferior. What a nonsense mindset.

I'm Ichinose Hiroki, I was a film director that is known to produce top-notch films not just in Japan but also around the world. I am working under the screen name 'Daiki' and I rarely show my face in public. However, that does not mean that I have a small fanbase, I actually have more followers given that I even made it internationally.

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