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A small Nightborne child around the age of 13 stood in a crowd of people, she stood up on her tippy toes proudly and waving at soldiers that walked past on their horses. Her long purple toned ears bounced as she did, she seemed to be waving at a specific soldier that steered his horse towards her. The man ruffled the girl's hair and lifted his helm a little to show his face.

"I'll be home soon sis, I promise"

He smiled as he ripped a necklace off his chest and dropped it in the girls open hands, it appeared to be a silver dragon climbing up a small sapphire crystal.

"But father gave you this, I cant have it-"

The man held his finger at the girls mouth Shushing her and clasping his hands in hers.

"Keep it, so you don't forget me. With this necklace, I am always with you"

He smiled before hearing another older sounding man called his name, he pulled his helmet over his head and rode off. The girl waved as she yelled out goodbye, watching her big brother ride out the city gates and into the forest. Not too long later the crowds began to fade and a motherly figure holding a young nightborne child made her way to the 13 year old.

"Reighla what are you doing you were supposed to come in ages ago"

The lady sighed as she grabbed Reighla's hand and walked into the city.

"But mother, I was just saying goodbye to Faldrien"

Reighla complained as she stomped away with her mother, her mother stayed quiet but slowed her pace down. Her face went pale and her eyes watered, either way she kept walking with the 3 year old baby in one hand and the other holding Reighla's. The baby babbled as it played and chewed on a sanded down wooden toy, Reighla kept pace with her mother and soon reached a cemented rectangle house that had a few overgrown plants. A small wooden bowl full of hot soup and potatoes and a small ball of bread laid on a small table.

"Eat up, we're lucky we got this today"

Soon the world went black and Reighla seemed to be falling through an endless void, suddenly the void turned into a battlefield inside the city blood was splattered everywhere, limp lifless bodies filled the courtyard. A troll woman fought beside Reighla, magic poured out of her hand and into the Nightbornes that attacked them.

"Chesie we're outnumbered we can't hold them out for long!"

Reighla yelled over the clanking of swords and other loud noises. Chesie looked over to her aknolodgingly.

"What do you suppose we do? They've cornered us"

Chesie asked over the fighting. Reighla turned around to find an escape when pain filtered throughout her body, she screamed horrified looking at the blade through her stomach. Chesie's eyes widened as she ran to Reighla's side pushing the guard that stabbed Reighla away. Reighla fell to her knees, she trembled as she watched the blood seep through her armour and everything seemed to be going in slow motion. Before she knew it Chesie had shapeshifted into a large owl looking creature and picked her up, sorrow flooded her emotions as she watched the last of her squad be brutally murdered by their own people. Reighla and Chesie crashed into a nearby beach and Chesie shifted back into her normal form as a troll and ran to Reighlas side. She cradled Reighla in her arms as she cried mixed emotions flooded her vision.

"I know you Reighla, you can get past this. I can heal you can't I?"

Chesie tried healing Reighla with her druidic powers but Reighla clasped her hands, tears rolled down her cheek but she still smiled.

"I have to leave you....and you know this..."

Reighla's words were as raggedy as her breath and she shook after every word. Her shakey hands reached down onto the necklace her brother gave her all those years ago, it was now bloody and only a little of the original colours showed. She ripped it off and held it shakily towards Chesie.

"What I can't have this, it was your brothers"

Chesie shook her head refusing to take it but Reighla wouldn't take no for an answer.

"My time... has passed, keep this.... so it may remind you- ugh... of the hope Suramar still has.... rebuild the rebellion....for me"

The life in Reighla's face began to fade, she held the necklace in Chesie's hands.

" rebellion..."

Reighla's life slipped away and so Chesie was left with a lifless body in her lap and a necklace in her hands. The world around Reighla gradually turned black and it was like she was in a deep sleep.

Walking on thin iceWhere stories live. Discover now