Waking up to reality

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Reighla shot up gasping and sweating like a waterfall, she looked around realising it was just a nightmare. She sank back into her wooden seat and felt around the Dragon pendant. Reighla got constant nightmares from her past, everytime after waking up the scar from the stab wound would throb in pain and the Sapphire crystal would emit a soft glow. Reighla died on that beach in Suramar but centuries after a Highlord named Darion Morgraine rose her from the dead to become a deathknight. A few years after being risen Reighla was promoted to Deathlord and led the deathknights of Archerus with Bolivar Fordragon (bowl-var for-dragon) the former lich king.

"Deathlord! We're here!"

One of the shipmates exclaimed from outside her cabin.

"Thank you, I shall be out in a minute"

Reighla sighed and stood up, her boots made clopping sounds on the wood and the door creaked loudly as she opened it. Reighla was wearing her armour which had a single large shoulder pad and a circular yellow crystal in the middle of it, the rest of her armour was pretty much a mix of black and bronze armoury with a bronze hood with a silver outline on it to top it off. Even though she was undead she kept her physical features, except for the scar from the stab and pale skin. The air around Reighla was cold and deathly, which meant she got a few sneers when in public but it never bothered her. Reighla made her way to the front of the ship and looked at the land that approached the ship as they neared. There was a golden like city that could be seen, the trees seemed to be birch with gold leaves and grass nourished the lands except for a blotch of burned grass and trees that appeared to be somewhere west.

Reighla took a deep breath smelling the air as they ported into the deck, villagers turned to see wh owns on the ship and a few cheered. Reighla had helped the Blood Elves in their deepest times and was considered as their saviour. Soon a familiar face decended from the crowd and walked up the port to greet Reighla, her skin was a pale peach and her eyes emited a soft green glow, she wore red and gold armour and had a longbow strung across her back, her hair was a silver blue and long, she had it in a half up half down manner with a cylinder hair pin.

"Ahh Reighla you made it!"

She bosted, Reighla climbed off the boat and greeted the Blood Elf with a hug.

"Yes, a three day boat ride is worth it if I get to see the wonders of Silvermoon City"

Reighla smiled and pushed a stray hair aside. The crewmates of the ship began unloading a few large boxes, inside them were all sorts of supplies.

"Here's your daily lot, I know you can have a little trouble with these things, especially since your brother's usually off with Thalyssra (Tha-liss-ra)"

Reighla chuckled and stretched.

"I'm glad to see you Norla, let us go to the castle. Don't want to be late for the meeting do we?"

Norla nodded while smiling and whistled, soon a Wolf cross eagle creature emerged from the crowd and towards Norla. One of the crewmates walked off the ship holding a black horse, it had what seemed to be a helm around its head and horns that curved around its face, they climbed apon their mounts and began to make their way to the city chattering along the way.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 11, 2021 ⏰

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