page 1 (i will add a name later, maybe)

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It was summer break and the bakusquad decided to go on a trip to the beach.

"C'mon on Bakubro you have to get in the water, its so warm!" Kirishima yelled as the sparkiling waves crashed down on him.

"Fuck off!" Bakugo yelled from a towel spread out on the hot sand.

"Why you scared." Kaminari teased from another towel beside Bakugo's.

"Die!" Screeched Bakugo throwing explosions at Kaminari as he got up and ran to the waves.

Bakugo dived into the waves and swam out to where Kirishima, and Sero where splashing waves at each other.

"See I'm not scared you wast of space knock off Pikachu!" Bakugo yelled at Kaminari.

Suddenly thunder was heard in the distance.

"Lets go back guys." Kirishima spoke to Sero and Bakugo as he nervously eyed the darks clouds that had started advancing on them.

"Don't tell me what to do." Bakugo said but still swam back to the beach, at a faster space then he had used when he had swam out. Kirishima and Sero trailed behind him not being able to match his spead.

When the boys reached the beach Mina was some how still sleeping while Kaminari was ignoring the thunder and lightning and instead making a sandcastle.

Kaminari looked up as bakugo reached shore. Picked everyone's stuff up consisting of a few towels and a bottle of sunscreen and made his way to their beach house they had rented out for their trip.

Kirishima and Sero reached shore not long after slowly walking out of the water, droplets raining of of them.

Kirishima ran towards Mina and Kaminari starting to shake mina awake, Kirishima told kaminari about to incoming storm.

Sero had overhead Kirishima and had already started walking over to their beach house.

Time skip cause this is taking to long!!!!!! At the beach house.

As the dark clouds had shown a storm had begun. Thankful that they had came inside the bakusquad where spending their time watching a movie.

Half way through the movie Bakugo suddenly got up and ran towards his room.

"Where are you going?" Mina asked half way through doing Kaminari's makeup.

Causing the bakusquad to look away from their movie and instead watch Bakugo scurry out of the room.

As Bakugo made it to his room lightning flashed outside of his window seeming to be only centimeters from his room. Bakugo screeched and ran back out of his room deciding to run back to the bakusquad running stright into Mama Minas

"Bakuhoe? Whats wrong? Mina asked worry seeping into her words.

"Nothing..." Bakugo said trying to push his face even more into Mina's chest.

By this time the bakusquad had crowed around Bakugo asking what was wrong, Bakugo looked up staring at his friends, letting them take a good look at his face.

"Boom!" Thunder crashed outside yet again. Bakugo had almost forgot about the storm outside scaring him even more then before, thus making him jump and immediately after start whimpering.

The bakusquad stared at Bakugo as he cowered from the storm. Bakugo was almost never like this, sure it happened once awhile when Bakugo's ptsd about the villians triggered. Then they would grab blankets and have a sleepover making sure that they where always touching him to keep him grounded, out of his thoughts. Maybe that would work now.

Mina was the first to act. She quickly crouched down to where Bakugo was crouched on the floor (that sounds awkward) holding him whispering to him about happy times not sure if it was another one of his panic attacks.

As Mina held Bakusgo the rest of the Bakusquad clued in and rushed to grab some blankets and pillows, and turning a movie on.

When the the pillows and blankets were placed in front of the T.V. Mina slowly guided Bakugo to where her blanket and pillows had been set up.

Mina placed Bakugo on her pink blanket, sitting down behind him and slowly pulling him towards her, as Sero put on a movie and sat beside Mina and Bakugo with the rest of the bakusquad each making sure at least a finger was touching him.

As the sun came up Bakugo woke up in a tangle of familiar bodies.

"Die!" Bakugo yelled as he let explosions out waking up his cuddle buddies.

"Good morning, everyone!" Kirishima said with enthusiasm lifting his head up.

"Morning!" Sero, Mina and kaminari replied while Bakugo let out a tsk sound.

The bakusquad started to untangle themselves while Bakugo lay unmoving deciding to be as much as an annoyance as possible (Like my cat).

As everone got untangled Bakugo spoke in a nervous voice "Hey about yesterday-"

"Don't worry about it man ," Kirishima interrupted. "We promise what happened will stay a secret!"

"Good." Bakugo said a faint smile on his face.

"Awwww! Is that a smile Bakuhoe!" Mina yelled jumping around like a kid that was just given ice cream.

"Grrr! Fuck off" Bakugo screeched letting out explosion's.

The bakusquad laughed as they engulfed Bakugo in a squad hug as they call it.


Ahhh that took surprisingly a short time at 2 days of off and on work with school and all that jazz. There are probably a lot of spelling and grammar mistakes, if your wondering about the video, just know it has nothing to do with the oneshot, I just love the video and just had to show it to you.

And I forgot to mention this in the info page thingy but most of these oneshots will be fluff sometimes a bit of angst as well because I'm a angsty person and swearing will probably show up in a few of the oneshots because well come on its Bakugo. when i was writing i was blasting oh my heart (the album) BEST SONGS EVER!!! You should check it out it's on spotify.

And before I go I have an app recommendation its called Claw Toys and in the app/game you play claw machines to get real items that will be shipped to you if you get one. if you log into the app you immediately get 5 coins but if you use the code 4162491 you get 20 free coins!! the apps free btw.

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