Don't leave me

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I kicked Deku as  he withered on the ground, my friends laughing at him behind me.

Seeing him like that brought me joy it made me happy I'm not sure if its because I finally feel like I'm in control, not my aggressive Mother, not my teachers, me!  Or maybe its because people are finally noticing me. When I walk down the halls in my middle school (I'm pretty sure its called something else. I don't know. Tell me if you know) people are high fiving me, they stop  offer me a smoke (which I gladly take), ask if I really am the person that beat up their childhood friend, and if I'm lucky invite me to one of their parties. But regardless I love it all!

In fact right this minute I'm at one of those parties I'm sometimes invited to. Girls are shaking their asses to the crowed. I don't really care about them for 1. I'm hella gay, and 2. the drinks are to good to be focusing on anything else! Especially the ones with alcohol in them.   

It's well into the night now and finally a announcer has replaced the twerking girls on the stage he keeps shouting something about a main event. I don't really care what it is as long as its not the twerking girls again. But what happened after the announcer moved to the side of the stage... it was better than any birthday gift I've gotten, and I've gotten plenty of good stuff! You will never believe this but out walked Deku all bruised up being pushed by two big burly men in suites looking very hot. 

"Anyone want a go at him?" The announcer yelled walking to the center of the stage. Pushing Deku to the ground as he walked past.

I gritted my teeth. How dare he hurt my Deku! I marched up to where Deku was and punched him twice where the announcer touched him. "Ha!" I  laughed quietly 

"Ka-chan," Deku choked out aa I dealt a few more punches. "You need to get out of here, it's mot safe." 

"How dare he look down at me. He thinks I can't take care of myself." I think as I quickened my punches. 

The crowed was cheering as I continued to punch him, not letting anybody else hurt him but me. When I heard sirens they where distant so I payed no mind, that is until... police walked in on the party. 

The crowed went silent, the music turned off and the once loud and proud announcer yelled into his microphone "Skater!" 

The crowed ran they didn't look around in confusion, they didn't get trampled on by the stampede of people running in all directions except towards the police, unlike me. I stood frozen, arms still raised ready to punch The green headed nerd beneath me. 

I watched as the police man called in for back up and ran into the sea of panicked people. Screams were playing on repeat as more police officers showed up and began running towards the people bagging them up like little pesky rodents. I watched still on the platform just waiting for the police officers to take me away as Deku desperately pleaded for me to run, to get of her while the police weren't paying attention. 

"You think I don't want to leave? Where would I even go, the exits are blocked of." I growled at him.

Guess who just got their computer working again me! This oneshot is really long and I'm losing motivation so I am thinking I might turn it into a book.  Oneshots are probably going to take longer because I'm nearing the end of school and with covid and all school has made me help with the organizing of a dance alll the grades have to do every year. Ugh! And no I did not look over my work it's took so long to write what I have right now and i just want to move onto something else. Btw look out for some fluffy bakugo. 

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