Sleep Your Tired

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"Have a good winter break or whatever." Aizawa grunts as he crawls deeper into his sleeping bag.
"What are you going to do for Christmas Bakubro?" Kirishima questions as he walks out of the class with Bakugou, arm draped over his shoulder.
"The hag is making me go home." Bakugo answers walking faster, hoping he can get out of talking to Kirishima.
"Aww I was hoping I could hangout with you!" Kirishima whines, increasing his speed as well.
"Just because I'm going to my parents doesn't mean you can't come!" Bakugou yells, slowing back down to hopefully get Kirishima to walk past him.
"You mean I can hangout with you!" Kirishima shouts as he slows down to meet Bakugou's pace.
"No! It means that it's possible for someone to stay with another person even if family is present!" Bakugou screeches as he launches explosions at Kirishima.
Kirishima hardens and closes his eyes preparing for impact, "Jeez man, sorry," Kirishima apologizes peeking under his lashes to see if another set of explosions are coming, "Wait, where are you?"
Bakugou had disappeared into thin air, well for Kirishima he had. Really he was bolting down the halls desperate to get out of sight so Kirishima couldn't follow him.
As Bakugo reaches the doors of UA he slows down to a jog; he definitely lost Kirishima by now, especially with all the detours he took running down those halls.
Bakugo doesn't wait a second more and begins to jog away from Heights Alliance and towards the train station.
Just as Bakugou sits down on the LRT and the doors begin to close, a flash of yellow hair rushes onto the train, the person with the yellow hair looks toward Bakugou and immediately rushes towards him. As the yellow haired person dashes towards Bakugou his features become more prominent. Kaminari! It was Kaminari!
"First it's Shitty Hair and now Dunce Face!" Bakugou growls to himself.
"Kachan!" Kaminari yells, waving his arms frantically as he runs, causing others to turn and glare at the comotion.
As Kaminari reaches Bakugo, a hand yanks him down into a seat.
"Don't you dare do that again!" Bakugo scolds Kaminari in a hushed but angry tone.
"Sorry Mom!" Kaminari half heartedly apologizes, grinning from ear to ear.
"Shut. up!" Bakugo snarled a little too loudly, attracting the attention of a family who did not hesitate to send a couple of harsh glares his way.
Bakugo sunk deeper into his seat and stared out the window as the LRT began to depart.
"Aww are you embarrassed Kachan? I thought you were too tough!" Kaminari whispers leaning into his ear.
Bakugo doesn't spare him a glance before he holds a hand up to Kaminari's face and lets out an explosion.
Kaminari's hair puffs out and he immediately slumps over with a dazed expression.


Bakugou grabs a spare key from under the welcome mat at his house he had just left kaminari on the train and had spent his time walking to his house hoping that Kaminari wakes up before his stop.
When Bakugo opens the door he is met by his Mom and Auntie Inko dancing around like they are two six year olds on a sugar rush!
"Katsuki!" His Auntie exclaims while immediately breaking away from her dancing to give Bakugou a hug.
"Hi Auntie." Bakugou returns, fatigue dripping from every one of his words. School mixed in with his train ride with kaminari had tired him out and now he just wants to curl up and sleep not that he would tell anyone that, he didn't need to.
"Oh, I bet you're so tired," Inko broke away from the hug to sit on the coach, "Come'er" she demands while she pats her lap.
Bakugou quickly made his way over not even bothering to pretend to be annoyed, his mom and Auntie already knew his anger was just an act.
Bakugou's head was resting on Inko's lap just about to finally fall asleep while Inko carded her hands through his hair when the doorbell rang, startling him but Inko shushes him back to sleep. Except he couldn't. The person on the other side of the door reminded him of someone, Deku! Bakugou sprang up wanting to tackle Deku who was just being let in by his mom but a hand held him down.
"Sleep, you're tired." Inko said leaving no room for discussion.
And he is tired but we can't just let Deku see him so vulnerable. As if Inko could read his mind, she quickly grabs a blanket that was hanging on the side of the couch and covers Bakugou with it.
"There, now sleep." Inko whispers to him before greeting her son.
And finally Bakugou did.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 16, 2021 ⏰

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