
15 1 0

Warning: ¡Murder right ahead!

9AM, the airport was crowded but certainly easy to slip through, Saphie have finally arrived at her home country after a long flight, she's really glad.

As thrilled to go home as she is, she badly wanted to see his brother. She haven't seen him for a long time and she really misses him. Too bad the older brother couldn't pick her up as for he's at work and still focused on running his now successful business.

Saphie booked a cab and is now on her way home, she's exhausted, her phone buzzed as her phone finally found a good range of network after a long flight of nothing but boredomness.

She was too lazy to check her received messages and just wanted to go home, she went to check the message that her brother sent though.

"Business is doing well today and seems like doesn't need my help much, I'll be home after an hour! Be safe on the way home ily"

She smiled and simply replied at the message and looked right ahead of the road.

After a long ride, she's finally near home. She rushed and got the keys out and went inside, it was aphonic, the house is still the same, both of Saphie and her brothers parents are always away because of work- mainly because of business trips. She messaged them letting them know that she got home safe.

As soon as she changed her clothes in her room she went straight to the living room, turned on the television and as soon as she did the flash news popped out. It warned about a male psychopath in her home town and was captured by a CCTV near the pedestrian lane a few days ago, the footage lacked clarity but it is indeed clear about what happened.

The male, all dressed and covered not being able to be identified by the cops, shot the pedestrian and poked his eyes out, as he did he cut down both ears of the victim leaving the body overflowing with blood and quickly ran away.

Saphie was in shock, she shut the television down and distracted herself by taking out her phone, she was disturbed and thinking about it makes her blood boil for some reason, she was bothered about the news.

Time passed by and she fell asleep on the couch, she was woken up by the sound of the front door being unlocked. Her brother's finally arrived home! She stood up quickly and ran to greet the older brother that she missed so much.

"Brother!! I missed youu." She shouted as she hugged her brother, he felt likewise and hugged her back.

As siblings would, they talked about the events that happened to them while they were away from each other, they finally decided to eat lunch so that Saphie can finally rest properly.

As her brother was cooking lunch, she decided to take look inside their parents room which she missed sleeping in, oh how she loved sleeping in that room beside them when she was still a kid.

Just before she could reach the handle her brother spoke.

"Hey Saphie! Mom and dad told to not go in their room, they said that it's a mess inside." He sounded like he was warning me but I shrugged it instead.

"Ehhh, they never leave the room messy... but okay."

She lied, she still went, slowly and carefully not making a sound, she went inside their parents room. Seeing the room after so long gave her a quick clip of her childhood memories as she runs around the room, but as she gets near the bed she started to smell a not so pleasant smell.

There's clothes everywhere and the fatid smell slowly starts to get stronger as she gets near the closet, took a step further and opened it. There she saw their parents bodies, nearly rotten. Ears cutten off and eyes were pierced out, their body clearly seems to have a few gun shots and the blood have already dried.

She fell down to the floor with her hands covering her mouth, tears quickly fell as she heard quick footsteps coming from behind her.

She heard the door being opened, she knew it was him and she slowly turned around. There, her brother stared, in one hand he was holding a jar which is filled with ears and eyes, and a gun at the other hand. He just stood there... grinning at her.

«A/N: Picture edited by me,
Ctto of the art: @sando_0 on twitter»

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