The Reunion

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For the first time in a long time Tommy felt happy, he had a new lease on life. He had a daughter, 2 daughters and a son now. Emmie, Charlie and Ruby, he was on his way to see Esmeralda and his daughter, he figured they would tell her together when the time was right. He was going to have Emmie fill out her papers, he wanted her to be naturalized so she could stay in England so could be close to Esmeralda and him, he couldn't wait to tell Ada, this finally felt like a proper family, like a family should feel.
Tommy arrived at Esmeralda's house just around quarter to 4, he was a little early but he was anxious. Esmeralda had written him a letter and apologized along with a sympathy card of condolences, he accepted her apology and wrote back to her and said apology accepted, I too am very sorry it had to come to that, but I want you to know that I'm here for you if you ever need anything and that was about it. He knocked on the door using the large Door knocker, 3 times .....just then he heard someone running down the stairs the door flung up open it was Emmie, that beautiful face, he was greeted by his daughter's beautiful face. Hello Mr Shelby, hello Emmie, come in , Come in , Mum mum Mr. Shelbys here, Emmie, I want you to go and fill out these Lakers now so we can make everything legal alright she said, off you go then let me say hello to your mother then.

Hello Tommy,
Hello Esmeralda, how are you, I'm alright , and yourself, oh I am fine.
Tommy looked down, Mellie why didn't you tell me.... why didn't you tell me we had a daughter, all these years I could've helped, I would of provided ........
Tommy please, it didn't dawn on me, it wasn't really until I came back to Birmingham and met Polly, that I figured it out.
She went up to Tommy and they embraced, he took her face in his hands and slowly kissed her lips tenderly, she responded. She looked at him and said, she has your eyes, she has your smile he said, even though this is the first time I have seen you smile Esmeralda, well it's the first time I've seen you smile too Tommy to be honest, They both laughed, so I've made reservations for you and Emmie for tonight at the.....
Tommy, why don't you come too, are you sure, of course I'm sure she smiled.
They had a wonderful supper, he couldn't believe how much his daughter could eat, she had vichyssoise first, followed with Lamb chops and baby potatoes in a minted gravy sauce with baby peas. He had the venison & for once he ate full heartedly and Esmeralda had the prawns , they all followed it with the restaurants strawberry and peach trifle. They talked . they
laughed and they both decided to tell Emmie, they figured now was as good as time as any.
Emmanuel looked shocked at first but then her face was full of smiles ... I have a father she exclaimed, he's here , i actually have a dad. You're still my employee though Emmanuel, no special privileges just because you're my daughter is that clear young lady, yes she said and laughed. Do I call you Mr Shelby, you should around my clients he said, but when it's you and me & the family of course you can, she interrupted him, I can call you daddy she said, yes, you can.
Later that fall, Tommy had been visiting Esmeralda on a regular basis, they laughed, made love, danced and then he got down on one knee and proposed to her , she cried and accepted, they were married that winter!
Tommy kept the house and Esmeralda was great with the children, Charlie and Ruby loved their big sister. She told them about NY and Tommy promised to take them all one day. Esmeralda kept her house for her daughter.
Esmeralda's cousin Leonora in NY had come down with a terrible fever and passed away that winter, her other aunt died and she had her remaining aunt Dorothy come to Birmingham . Esmeralda never told Leonora about her about her marriage to Tommy, or her she figured it was best to let it be. Leonora died not knowing, it would of just opened old wounds. Emmanuel wanted to tell Leonora because she had grown close to her while living in NY but she realized it was best not too. For Leonora would  not share in her joy considering her brothers Suicide, her father too had already long
Passed so maybe it too was a godsend considering Leonora was alone and had taken to the bottle, no husband & childless and Emmie not being there either took her till!  Later on the following year Esmeralda's aunt Isabel too passed. Esmeralda had her other aunt come live with them and together it was a wonderful family. Polly told Esmeralda that her father and she had actually had a secret wedding and already had their marriage license she just didn't tell everyone because they knew they were excited about the church one. Gina lost the baby and Michael and she divorced, Michael started looking at Emmanuel but that all changed when Isiah came over with his sister Cleo and introduced Michael to her, Isiah had eyes for Emmanuel and Emmanuel for him.Everyone was finally at peace, it had took a long time for this. Ada would stop by, Finn would too, Esmeralda apologized to Finn and he in turn forgave Esmeralda, don't worry she won't do it again Finn, will you my dear, Tommy gave Mellie a stern look, no I won't she said.
Tommy embraced her, & whispered in her ear , so my love, how long was it until you were finally able to sit down, she laughed, a whole fucking week, yep, that sounds about right. They had a white Christmas that year and Isiah proposed to Emmanuel but asked Tommy for her hand first. Tommy said she was old enough to make her own decisions and the decision was hers to make, but appreciated Isiah asking him so they were married the following Spring, Isiah's father did the honors , and in the fall Emmanuel gave birth to a beautiful baby girl she called Chantal, the name her mother used in France. Cleo and Michael got married and were expecting too.
Tommy's life had taken a different turn, his business was completely legal now, and everything in life was beautiful.
Tommy had not remembered being this happy since he was with Grace, but Esmeralda and his daughter Emmanuel had made him happy and content beyond his wildest dreams. That night his wife , his beautiful Esmeralda walked into the drawing room past Tommy, hey he said, where do you think you're going, he pulled her on to his knee and he held her. I love you Esmeralda Jane he said , he kissed her tenderly, I was actually going to get us a drink of whiskey. Well why don't you let me get the whiskey and you head up to the room, I've got a fire burning and you can slip into something more comfortable or nothing at all if you like, just lie naked under those sheets and wait for me sweetheart. She giggled at the thought of it & ran upstairs like a love struck school girl....Tommy poured two glasses of whiskey, just then Mary walked into the room.... Will there be anything else for you and the lady tonight, yes you can turn off the lights and turn in , yes Mr Shelby she replied, I will certainly get the lights would you, thank you Mr Shelby, and goodnight sir, goodnight Mary, it was still early evening, only 8pm, but he didn't care, he could spend all night and all day in bed with Esmeralda, she was the love of his life!

The End.

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