Chapter 1

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Hey this is my first book so I'm sorry if it's not good. Plus there may be some grammar errors. You have been warned ;)
Also the amazing cover on the side was made by @Alehtan2221  (again thanks!!♡)
Anyway have fun!

I'm not who they think I am. 

I'm not the little quiet nerd, who can't stand up for herself and who always eats alone in the library.

I'm not the girl who is always pushed in the halls and I'm definitely not the girl who gets bullied every single day of her life.

I mean in their eyes I am. After all that's what they see in school, so that has to be who I really am right?

But if they knew what I'm capable of doing to them, how I could kill every single one of them in less than 10 seconds, then I'm sure they wouldn't continue to think of me as the school's nerd and  treat me like they do.

Now I'm sure you all want to know who I really am don't you? 

Well if you want an answer, then here it is:

I am a secret agent, a murderer, a serial killer, whatever you want to call me. I wasn't always like this, I mean that's not what I was born to be.

It all started 10 years ago. I can still remember that day, as if it was yesterday.

 It was my brothers birthday, Drew that was his name. I remember how proud he was to finally be 4 years old.

"Ellie, Ellie wake up! it's my birthday I'm a big boy now! I'm 4 years old!".

That was the first thing I heard when my brother woke me up. When I opened my eyes I saw him holding his hand in front of my face with four fingers turned up. I smiled at him and said in my then 7 year-old voice.

"Yeah you are a big boy now, but i'm still 3 years older than you".

I remember sticking my tongue out at him and him starting to tickle me with his little hands right after that. When he finally stopped tickling me I noticed that he was still wearing his SpongeBob pyjamas, that made me smile, I remember the day, we went to the mall with my parents and he insisted on having it since he was a big fan of Sponge Bob. And i couldn't blame him, everybody loves SpongeBob.

Anyway, me and my brother looked very similar. We both had blonde hair and bright blue eyes.

 We got them from our mom, she was a beautiful woman, with her slim figure and blonde curly hair. My dad was the best dad somebody could have, he was always there for us and he was always happy. He had brown hair and green eyes.

They were amazing parents and I loved them both so much.

After my brother finally got off of me, we went down the stairs and ran into the kitchen. 

There they were, happily cooking together and laughing, just like they did every single morning. When they finally noticed us, my mom immediately picked up Drew and and started kissing him and wishing him a happy birthday and so did my dad.

 We were a happy family and nothing could change that.

Well that's what I thought.

It happened later on, when we all had went to bed. I remember sleeping peacefully when all of a sudden 2 gunshots went off.

At first I couldn't understand what was going on, but when I had heard a third gunshot I realized that something bad was happening. So I ran to my parents room and saw them laying on the bed with blood all over them. 

I was terrified I couldn't believe my eyes I began to panic, I didn't know what to do I wanted to go find my brother when I saw something I wish I'd have never seen.

My brother was laying on the floor next to my parents bed with his teddy bear next to him, but he wasn't moving, he couldn't.

Because he, like my parents was dead.

I was  shocked, I couldn't even move.

I just stood there and watched  my family laying there, with tears streaming down my cheeks.

After a while of just standing there and crying, I noticed something or should I say someone sitting in the corner of the room on the little couch my parents had in their room.

There he stood, the man or better said monster who had killed my perfect family. He didn't t even look a bit remorseful

 Oh no he looked satisfied, very satisfied.

 I didn't know what to do, I wanted to run away but I just couldn't move.

After a while of just watching me, the man stood up and started to walk in my direction, I started to back away in order to escape.

"Oh don't think you can run away little miss, you are going to come with me".

And that was the last thing I heard before I blacked out.

I remember waking up in a small dark room, tied up to a chair. I couldn't understand where I was and what had happend. 

When I finally remembered what happend I couldn't understand why he didn't kill me.

I mean he killed my whole family, so why not just kill me as well?

While I was trying to free myself, the man came into the room and told me that I shouldn't even try to escape, because I wouldn't even be able to leave the room, without being seen.

That was the moment, I realized I wouldn't be able to get away.

And even if I did get away, where would I go? It's not like I had a family left to run to.

"What do you want from me?"

I remember asking him that in my little voice.

"You my dear girl, are now a part of our gang, you are going to be trained to become a killer.The best killer there ever was.

I couldn't really understand what he was saying, I was too young.

The only thing I asked was why.

I remember him starting to laugh.

"Oh you know your daddy wasn't really perfect like you thought he was. He was a killer just like me, but you know what? He wanted to 'change' for his family. Now I couldn't relly let him do that and you wanna know why? Because how would I know, he wasn't going to go to the police and tell them everything. So just to be sure he wasn't going to do that I decided to get rid of him and his family.

"Then why didn't you kill me?" 

The next thing he said, shocked even my then 7 year-old self.

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