Chapter 2

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I hope y'all enjoy this chapter.


"Miss Curtis, miss Curtis are you listening to me?"

Asked Mr.Williams, my chemistry teacher.

"Ye-Yeah I am".

That was how I was awaken from my daydreaming. It happens a lot, I just zone out and start daydreaming, I then heard a few of my classmates snicker. I wonder what's wrong with them.

"Oh really? I have been calling your name for at least 5 minutes now and you wouldn't answer my question. Do my lessons bore you miss Curtis?".

I guess that's why the idiots were laughing.

"N-No of course n-not i'm sorry sir, it w-won't happen again."

I don't really have stutter. It's just that since I've been playing the nerd role almost my whole life, I just got used to it. And besides it doesn't make anyone suspect anything. In fact it makes my whole nerd appearance even more believable. I also dress in the typical baggy clothes and even wear black nerd glasses.

"I hope it's the last time this happens miss, if not then I'll have to give you detention the next time."

And with that Mr.Williams continued with the lesson. When the bell finally rang, after 3 more annoying and boring lessons, I started my 15 minute walk home. Since it was Friday, I wouldn't have to go meet my boss right after school. When I got home I immediately changed into something more comfortable and took off my glasses. I then started to make something to eat. When I was done cooking I took my plate of spaghetti and sat down on the couch to watch some television. When the movie I was watching finished I decided to get ready to meet my boss, so I changed into some black jeans, a red T-shirt, my favorite black leather jacket and some black boots. I then got on my black motorcycle and began my drive to the old warehouse in the woods far away from the city.

As I made my way to my boss's office I noticed a lot of people watching me. I could see the fear and pride in their eyes, fear because they all knew that if I wanted to, I could kill them all in just a few seconds. And pride because, they all saw me grow up and become the strong and fearless girl I am today. But that's not true, I am not fearless, I have a lot of fears. One of my biggest fears is to live like this for my whole life, to never be able to fall in love and have a family. Another of my fears is to get killed before I could do something with my life, to achieve something. And of course dying before I've had a special person in my life, like a best friend. Another thing I want to experience is the feeling of someone liking me and wanting to be my friend. And of course to make my boss pay.

But I can't allow myself to think about those things, because I know I'm never going to be able to have them. I just have to understand that and finally stop thinking about them. So with that in mind, I made my way to my boss's door, I took a deep breath and prepared myself to get my new mission and to get it over with as soon as possible.

When I entered the room, my boss was sitting behind his desk, on his chair waiting for me. When he saw me enter the room he immediately smiled at me showing off his yellow teeth. He looked at me with his deep brown eyes that seemed to be happy to see me again. He has short grey hair and is rather big and muscular for a man who is almost 60 years old.

"Please take a seat" was the first thing he said.

I slowly made my way towards the chair sitting in front of his desk and took a seat.

"So how are you my favorite little girl?"

I just looked at him with a permanent scowl on my face and bitterly answered with a "fine".

"Aw come on, don't look at me like that".

I just continued to look at him with the scowl still on my face and said nothing. After a while of just staring, he finally went down to business and told me what I had to do next.

"So Ellie as you know, your job is to kill everybody who gets in our way or who doesn't pay for the things we deliver to them. But this time your job is going to be a little different. You'll have to keep an eye on Drew Matthews. He goes to your school so it shouldn't be difficult to do so."

Now that got my attention, I usually just have to get rid of some poor people who where stupid enough to get involved with these kind of people. So that's why I'm actually interested in this case. I tried to remember who Drew Matthews is and after a while I finally remembered who he is, he is the new kid at school.

He has dirty blonde hair and brown eyes. I have to admit, he is quite attractive. He is tall and muscular, a lot of girls at school try to get his attention, but he doesn't really care. Most of the time he just walks around school and always avoids talking to other students. I also noticed,that most of the time he always has earphones in his ears.

At this point I'm really interested in what the new kid has to do with this kind of people.

"Why do I have to look after him and what exactly do I have to look for?." 

"As you probably know, he is new in town and I heard from my friend, who is the leader of the gang a few towns away from ours, that the new kid wants to be a part of our gang since he moved away from his old town. Now I trust my friend when he says, that the kid is a good gang member and all.

But I don't trust the kid, my friend said that the kid just decided to move all of a sudden and since Drew knows that you can't get away from this kind of job, he asked my friend if he could be a part of another gang and he also said, that he could decide which gang, so he wouldn't be in a gang that's against the one of my friend's.

So yeah my friend let him go but only because he trustes him under the condition of being in my gang. But, I don't know, I have a strange feeling about this kid. So that's why I want you to keep an eye on him and see if you notice something suspicious about this guy. Because you know I wouldn't want to have a kid ruin my gang, I think it's better if you keep an eye on him before I let him be a member of this gang. So is it clear to you what you have to do?"

"Yeah it is, and don't worry i'm going to keep an eye on this Drew kid." 

"That is all, you can go now".

'That is what I wanted to do, asshole'. Now of course I didn't say that out loud, but that's what I wanted to say. As I made my way to my motorcycle I thought about all the things that ass just told me.

And the first thing that came to my mind was,

'It seems like the new kid isn't a goody-two-shoes like I though he was, this should be fun'.  

So with that thought on my mind and a smirk on my face, I started my ride home.


So that was the second chapter I hope y'all liked it and if you did and you want to vote then don't hesitate to do so.


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