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Ellie's POV:

It had been about an hour since i had gotten back and now i am sitting in my room thinking that he isn't going to text me. Then as if right on cue my phone went off. So of course i sat up as swiftly as i could and grabbed my phone desperately hoping it was Will who had messaged me.

And just as i had hoped it was him. He had finally messaged me. I smiled to myself, blushing slightly. I opened up the message to read it, ready to reply.

Will: Hey it's me Will, the guy you fell on top of earlier.

Me: Heyyy, again I am so sorry for that.

Will: Well I'm not.

Me: And why's that?

Will: Because i would have never met you otherwise :)

Me: Oh how tragic. How much you would miss :(

Will: And I'm sure I would miss alot. From what i know already you're clumsy and from what i would assume, you are funny and definitely someone i would like to get to know.

I blushed, happy that he wants to get to know me. I mean you never know where this could go ;)

Me: And you seem like the type that my clumsy self would completely trip and fall on top of. So definitely someone i want to get to know :)

Will: You can fall on top of me anytime you want ;)

I blushed yet again, my mind somehow filling with sinful thoughts. So i replied with:

Me: I'm not a dominant so really to please me it would have to be the other way around :)

Will: Well you fell on top of the right person ;)

I'm sorry but that's my kind of guy. If you know what i mean ;)

Will: Anyway I never got to ask how old you were. So how old are you?

Me: I'm 17 turning 18 in october. What about you?

Will: I just turned 18 in January.

Me: Ah, well Happy belated birthday!

Will: Ahahahah, why thank you :)

Me: Have you been out to parties and clubs, seeing as you can legally buy alcohol?

Will: Nah not really, there isn't really anyone who will, they are all rather boring.

Me: Well just know that as soon as i turn 18 you can come and party with me :)

Will: Well now i am going to hold you against that. But i can't wait :)

And as if my mum wanted to ruin the moment she called me down to eat dinner. "Ellie, dinner is ready, come down please!" 

"I'm coming mum!" I called back out to her. Then I turned to my phone to let Will know that i was going to have to go for a bit.

Me: Okay well neither can i. But i must go and eat my dinner now so i will talk later :)

Will: Alright, i have a few work things to do anyway so I'm going to be gone for awhile too.

Me:Okay well i don't want to disturb anything so just text me when you can talk. Bye and enjoy :)

Will: Okay will do. Bye x

Did he just send me a kiss?



So sorry that this chapter is a little later than normal. I have just gone back to school and i'm trying to get into the routine of everything again. I also have my 'GCSEs' In a few weeks so i have to revise to prepare myself. I will try and get the next chapter up by the normal time.

Hope this chapter wasn't too cringe.

His Girl ~ Will PoulterWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt