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Best song to listen too while reading:
Super Rich Kids- Frank Ocean

The blaring noise of my alarm clock wakens me. A rerun of Seinfeld sounding from the living room signaling that my mother has already had her morning cup of coffee and dry humor.

I rub my slightly oily face and roll out of bed. Shrugging on a pair of black Jeans that lie on top of my dresser. As I casually ignore the fact that I should shower.

The fully charged pager buzzes obnoxiously from my bed indicating that Jungkook plans to meet me at school instead of normally on the train.

Yesterdays black long sleeve hangs down past my wrists , passing the window I view people on the sidewalk wearing coats, the cold weather allowing me to hide the dried pizza sauce stain on my shirt. I snatch another black tee off my bed and layer that over. 

"Jiminie! Don't get so induced into your little game boy thing that you end up late for the train." My mothers voice rings. The clack of her chunky heels echo throughout the apartment.

"Sorry mom." I yell absent-minded.

"It's okay honey, would you like some breakfast before I have to go?"

"No mom it's okay thanks for the offer though, when do you think you'll be home tonight?"

"Maybe around 7 your fathers supposed to be back home tomorrow. I don't know Jimin, I feel as though I'd be labeled a bad mom if I were to leave you unfed. "

"I'm fine. "

"Are you sure?"


"Not even any money to pick up something to eat."

"I don't want anything."

Layering a faded out flannel with a basic denim jacket, I exiting the red bricked building. My black converse squeak against the damp pavement as I make a left entering the train station.

My eyes trained on the moving tracks as the old lady next me occasionally asks me to help with her Mad Libs.

Everything comes to a halt after 20 minutes of blankly staring out the window, the location of our stop flashing in blue over head as I shrug my way through inconsiderate business men and women more focused on getting to work than obnoxiously running into another person.

Glancing to my left  Jungkook leans against the wall of the station entrance.

"Hey Jimin." Jungkook greets me with a coffee and a pat on the back.

"Hey, uh how much time do we have before first period?'' I ask, holding the schools entrance door open.

" About 5 minutes but the rain was so bad last night, a lot of people aren't here."


"Awe, come on not everybody is horrible."

"Never said that." I laugh readjusting my shoulder bag so that the books won't way me down.

"Good, because I'm your only friend and if you hated everybody. We would have a problem."

"Just like I'm your only friend. I don't hate you, you just look passive so people don't realize how annoying you are."I smile, while Jungkook laughs. My coffee slightly burning my lips.

"Well first period is about to start and I have Mr. Maddows and he must've had a cactus shoved up his ass as a child because it's permanently logged up there."

"Why do you say that?"

"Remember when I wasn't here for that whole week?"


"Well I missed a lot of homework, and didn't get to ask him beforehand and now he refuses to tell me what the assignments were."

"Well that sounds like shit."

"Hmm tell me about it, well I'll catch up with you in study hall later. " his back turning as he strides down the abnormally uncrowded hall.

Turning around I crash into a petite frame, and watch her items spill with a slew of curse words.

"I am so sorry." I say immediately bending down to retrieve her books, unfinished homework and scented markers.

Strays of dark curly hair escaped from her scrunchie, and shape her face as she rushed to brush them away.

the long sleeves of her shirt rolled up as she avoids getting the busted markers on her clothes.

"I am honestly so sorry, I-I wasn't paying attention and I'm not really making the situation better with my ramblings." I laugh lightly at my realization.

"No, no its okay. Could you just do me a favor and tell me where Mr.Jones' s class is?" Her voice confused yet assertive.

"Down the hall ,to your left ,and right at the janitors closet, and right where Ricky sells rip off Jnco jeans make another left and you're there."

"Is Ricky the Italian guy with jet black hair?"

"Yep, that's him."

"I'll more than likely forget that on the way there, but thanks."

"Well, it's the least I could do for knocking over your stuff."

"I guess?"

"Luke, sorry my names Jimin."

"Well thank you Jimin."

"No problem." I smile as she turns from me and goes down the hall. The leg of her overalls occasionally falling beneath her feet as she hurriedly stopped to roll them up.

My smile lasts longer than necessary, as her figure disappears.

Hello loves , it's ya main hoe.

This is my first chapter and I'm already ecstatic, because the cutest love story to me seems like Jimin, a black girl, and the 90's AMAZING.

I honestly do not want him to fetishize her in any way because she's black, I do not want to put an excessive amount of emphasis on the fact that she's black. Or add racist situations that would more than likely never happen like( the blonde bitch slut walked up to us and said "why would you date that??" She says as her entourage pop they're gum while one fucks jimmy the janitor because she's a slut, and the blondes saggy tits pop out of her shirt and waves them I front of jimin  like pendulums, while he slaps her titty out of his face and hooks his arm around my waist saying "she is my cocoa princess ion want yo loose punnani" )

Published on: April 23, 2016
Edited on: yes because this was horrible.
Word count: 1048 words

Latest Update:
Don't read Chapter 2 that will be updated on April 24th. Plz comment thoughts on the character change.
- Zöe

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