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Best song to listen too while reading:
Maria I'm drunk- Travis Scott

The blood red silk material reflects off of the moonlight, as I walk into Jimins complex the heel of my shoe digging into the wood floors at the entryway, mind racing and pulse beating.

My hands tap against the pager irritably, well aware that he received my message that I was outside his door.

I pull the slip dress down, reminiscing to my internal battle between sexy or comfortable as I was getting ready, but finding this in Natalia's college storage boxes, lucky that it fitted me so gracefully.

The door opened in a less than swift motion as it creaked obnoxiously. I cringed as I came to the realization that Jimin could never sneak out with his loud front door.

"Hey Sienna." His lips widened into a smile, as I quickly take account of his appearance.

"I see you've done your hair different." My hands blindly grazing against his hair.

"Yeah, do you like it?" His body visibly tense.

"It suits you very nicely." I say with a smile at the end to ease the growing tension between us, my hand grasping his as I lead him down the hallway, the iridescent lights flashing from the elevator.

"You look really nice." His voice airy as I walk with him towards the train station, weary of scraping my shoes too much as I planned on returning them the next day to get my money back.

" Thank you, I tried. It's so much easier to put effort into going out than studying. Enough about school though, tonight we hang out as friends instead of school colleagues. " my hand holding onto the train pole as it lets off from the station.

"I think I like this hanging out as friends more." The train hitting a bump and jostling everyone to the left. A warm hand reaching around my waist and pulling me back to his sturdy frame.

"Jimin, you could let go now. " I say, my head downcast as I allow my mind to replay the scene and the way his arm held me close as possible. I look up at him once again but he seems caught in his own thoughts, his hand not letting go of me but loosening. Though internally I was more than content with this position and grateful he hasn't let go of me entirely.

As the train comes to a complete stop, Jimin's arm lets go of me as I help lead him to Kenny's, his body freezing up at the almost immediate change in atmosphere, you could almost feel the waves of adrenaline from everyone in there.

" I don't know about this."

"Hey, don't knock it till you try it if you absolutely disagree with staying once we've been there at least 10 minutes then we can go. "

"Deal." His eyes wandering over to the kitchen, probably in search of Kenny.

" enjoy yourself, you don't have to stick by my side the whole night find your buddies. If you're ready too go, just look for me. "

"Okay, but I wouldn't mind staying by your side. " my face lighting up, his attitude nonchalant as if he knew the affect his words would have on me, as I leave him in the kitchen to talk to Kenny.

"Hey, sienna." Maria's arms quickly wrapping around me, as we embrace in a hug.

"Hey, Hun. I didn't know you would be here, how come you didn't tell me. "

"I was held up taking care of my sis while my mom was at work, but she came home and gave me a break. "

"Tell me about it, Juliana couldn't fall asleep fast enough for Chris to watch her the rest of the night. " I let out with a sigh, my finger smoothing out her baby hairs, a small habit of mine.

"Here come and grab a drink with me. "

"Okay then. "

"Don't worry, I know you don't like beer. So here this doesn't taste like alcohol. " she hands me a red disposable cup. Herself wandering off with her boyfriend.

Taking two sips, before setting it down. My eyes glance over the scattered teens, standing in their little groups or couples flirting with each other in a corner. The music creating a warm atmosphere as the only people that danced were by the speakers.

Quickly weighing the pros and cons of searching for Jimin after an hour, due to the party soon becoming uncomfortable for me as everyone has noticeably consumed more alcohol than necessary.

Eyeing Kenny over by the fire escape I see him with Jimin and four other boys. 

"Hey Sienna I didn't see you come in." Kenny laughs, his arms outstretched in a hug.

"Sorry, I was looking for you though. Really nice party you got going on. " Urging myself more to partake in small talk not to appear as the lost puppy searching for Jimin.

"Thanks,  I'm about to kick these jocks out and send them home with a case, they can get drunk but they aren't about to get drunk in my house and fuck up my stuff. "

" I feel you. " we laugh the cool breeze surrounding everybody, as I notice Jimin's presence behind me.

"Hey Sienna, you okay?"

"Yeah I'm fine, I was originally looking for where I left my drink but got side tracked. " the lies breezing through my teeth.

"Nope don't do that man, it's not safe. These kids are fun to hang out with but we don't know them like that, they could fuck with your drink. " Kenny's attention on us two.

"Trust me I know it, I was just hoping I didn't leave it someplace it could spill."

"Thanks for helping out, sis. Hey, uh I'll catch up with you two later I need to stop those dudes that look like they're ready to start fighting. " Kenny quickly back tracking back into the house, as I turn on my heels to look up at Jimin.

"I'm ready to go." I whisper trying not to offend Kenny if he were to pop up.

"Good me too." His hand clasping around mine as he leads the way to the front door, mentally chastising myself as the nerves in my hand stand to attention.

Imagine "Kenny" as "KennyKnox from vine. " if you don't know who he is its okay imagine him as whoever the fuck you want.

It is so hard sometimes to avoid using Ebonics In my dialogues, because in real life I use Ebonics around people that I'm comfortable with, I know how to properly speak when necessary , but it's hard to because I'm comfortable writing. GAHHH

I'm so stressed my mother was shaking and crying because she was I pain and we had to call my grandma to take us to the ER at 3 am. We stayed until 12 and I hadn't slept once since the night before, so I am just so drained.

Luckily my mom is letting me stay home tomorrow so I can rest up.

Sorry for venting I just wanted to talk about it with someone.

This was Sienna's first pov. 😊

Published on: September 7, 2015
Remastered: July 11, 2016
Edited on: maybe one more time I need to
Word count: 1222 to 1211


The 90's | P. JiminTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang