Chapter Two~ 1987

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"H-how do you know my name " I stuttered. "I am you and this is Toy Bonnie." The old woman said. "Well if you're me then ... then what's my birthday?" I asked. "DD/MM/93"she said with out pausing.


I sat in the mall parking lot as I took everything in. In approximately 10 minutes I'm gonna go back in time. I was about to cry as I was possibly going to see him/her soon. My older self never told me 'when' I was going.

I closed my eyes. For a second every thing was calm until I opened my eyes again.

Blood was every where as my body was smashed between two cars. (One of them just so happened to be my own...)

People rushed up to us. Us being the driver and myself. The only part of my body that wasn't between the cars were my head and most of my torso leaving my brain and heart spared. "M'am are you ok... can you hear me." The man said loudly as my head lay agenst my own cars hood. A smile spread across my face as my eyes fluttered close.


I opened my eyes. I was a kid again. My long HC hair sticky and matted by who knows what. I looked up. I saw Foxy who had a hold of my head. But it wasn't the Foxy I knew. It was Foxette. I screamed as excruciating pain shot through my whole body. Three men stood over me as they tryed to unsuccessfully pry her off of my head causing me to black out again.


I woke up again. This time in an office with a man hovering over me. "Hey are you ok."

Five Nights At Freddy's 2 X Reader-chanOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora