Chapter 1: The beginning.

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"George!" A voice called out from beside George, causing him to turn away from his locker to the direction of the sound.

"Party!" The boy was practically panting as he reached George, holding up an invitation, George took it into his hands as he read it:

(+1 pass!)
24 Nightingale Drive
8pm - earliest time
- Big Q.

Plus one? George scoffed as he read it, slightly offended he wasn't given a direct invitation. The invitation was extremely blunt, only having an address on it. Big Q, aka Quackity, was the town party animal who is known for throwing the best parties as his parents are always out of town and having an abnormally large house.

"Nah." George scrunched up the paper into his hand, he wasn't really much of a party person, he did like to have a good time but not on school nights.

"George oh my god, please!" George turned to the curly-haired brunette that towered over him, his brother who was in his last year of college.

"Wilbur, I want to focus on school." George shut his locker loudly as he stuffed the invitation into his blue hoodie pocket.

"Your such a loner, I'm trying to help you get out and make more friends!" Wilbur exclaimed cheerfully, George felt a bit hurt from the first sentence but he couldn't deny the truth. George had no other friends but his older brother, and the blonde he sits next to in English except George was pretty sure the blonde thought nothing of him, being the "bad boy" of the school and only being nice to him out of pity.

George took out the paper with a huff, examining it once again.

"Dream will be there, obviously." George heard Wilbur slur out, he could see Wilbur's mocking smirk without even looking up to face him.

"Oh shove off." George giggled as he playfully pushed his brothers shoulder, making the brunette laugh along with him.

"Hey George!" George froze on the spot from the familiar voice, coming in at the exact same time as when Wilbur had just mentioned his name. George looked behind him, looking up at the taller blonde.

"H-hey." George wasn't good with talking to boys, especially Dream. He would constantly stutter or embarrass himself to the point he wants to just wrap a plastic bag around his head.

"Catch the ball!" Dream shouted, throwing the basketball over to George who gulped as he attempted to catch the fast approaching ball.


He fell right on his face, in front of everyone.. in front of Dream.


Great, now the ball bashed right onto his head.

"Are you coming to the party?" The blonde asked, standing cockily against the locker beside George's, making George snap out of his train of thought.

"U-uh yeah!" George wasn't thinking, coming up with an answer on the spot.

"Great see you there." Dream winked at George, making George blush like crazy as his mouth slightly slid open, watching the green-eyed man walk away from him, laughing as he wrapped his arms around the shoulders of two boys from his group.

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