Chapter 3: The paper.

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"Oh, you have a lot to learn, blondie."

Dream made eye contact with his white eyes yet again, feeling his hand get held by the shorter and being dragged into the room behind them so they could be in a quieter atmosphere.

Dream watched as the brunette sat on the bed, his hands resting on the mattress as he leant back his back and head, smiling at Dream. Dream gulped as he sat opposite the man, eager and intrigued by what he was going to say.

"Let's start, hm?" George spoke as he lifted his head back up, looking at the green-eyed man for an answer.

"Yeah.." Dream whispered as his curiosity grew, itching for any kind of information. Maybe George was drunk? Maybe he just wanted to mess with Dream? Who knows.

"Well, first of all, i'm Mr. George." George lifted up one hand to shake Dreams, as if they haven't met before. Dream hesitated lifting his hand, but felt it get forcibly grabbed and shook nethertheless.

"I'm the better side of George, the more confident.." George trailed on as he looked towards the wall, Dreams lips part and his eyes widen out of anticipation.

"More stronger.." George smiled to himself, slightly flexing his hands out to show the slight manly structure of his hands. Dreams gaze fell upon his hands, this action made him realise how pretty they really were.

"More powerful." George finished off as he faced back to the blondes eyes, still carrying on with a new statement.

"I live in the back of his mind, I can only be let out if he strikes his head hard enough." Dream leaned back slightly as he notices the brunette itch closer to him.

"Everyone loves me." George smirked as he placed his fingertip onto Dreams chin and lifting it up slightly, gaining a slight gulp from the blonde.

"So you have a split-personality disorder..?" Dream asked under his breath, George had now itched his face so close to the blondes their noses were about to touch.

"I guess you could say that.." George chuckled quietly, when he did this, Dream noticed how his eye sparkled, literally sparkled.

"And your eyes..?" Dream gazed at the pure white eyes that stared into his.

"That you will need to find out by yourself." Dream felt his lower lip be pulled down by the brunettes thumb, exposing his bottom teeth.

"W-Wait.." Dream grabbed onto the white-eyed man opposite him wrist, pulling it down. George frowned and furrowed his brow at the action as he watched the blonde scoot back as far away as possible.

"I have a girlfriend." Dream said blatantly, pursing his lips slightly afterwards. George's eyes widened, before letting out a slight chuckle.

"What? You thought this was more?" George's small chuckle quickly changed into a loud laugh, making Dream look at him with confusion.

"I do this to everyone, one of my many traits." George could barely make out as he finished up his laughter, standing up and making his way out of the room as he continued on laughing, leaving Dream sitting on the bed still confused as to what had just happened.

George walked into the many crowds of people, immediately matching people's energy and dancing, drinking and starting to have a good time.

He danced on many people, it was so out of his character that people who knew him had to take a double take on what they just saw him do.

He was downing shots like no other, kissing anyone who even made the slightest move on him. He went wild.

"George!" George flipped his head around, smiling widely at the same time.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 21, 2021 ⏰

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