I'm nothing without the suit (Part one)

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Quick A/N. The picture doesn't have to do a lot with the story, but just a little bit. You'll find out. Sorry for any grammar and spelling mistakes. Credits go to the artist, if anyone knows who it is, please tell me so I can thank them for this awesome fanart

This takes place after Homecoming.

Peter was pacing back and forth in his room in the Stark Tower. He was debating over explaining to his mentor what he meant on the tower after the ferry incident or not. You see, when our little cinnamon role said that he was nothing without the suit, he meant it. Because if you would take the suit away, it left Puny Penis Parker. So when Tony took the suit away from him, his other half was taken too.

While the mentee was still pacing upstairs, his mentor was thinking about the exact same thing in the living room. When the boy said that he was nothing without the suit, there was something in his eyes. He couldn't really place what it was though. God, he wished Natasha was there with him at that moment, she would know what it would be. He decided to go to his personal intern and ask him himself, knowing he would probably not answer him truthfully or at all, he took the former Russian spy with him.

'Nat would you come with me for a sec?' He asked nicely, knowing that if he didn't, he would probably end up on the floor. The red head looked skeptical for a moment but then followed the billionaire to the hall. 'What is it Stark?' 'Okay, first of all, why do I have to act all nice to you but you can say what you wanna say? Second, I need you with me while I talk to Peter.' 'First, because I'm Natasha Romanoff and you couldn't take me without your suit and second, why, what's wrong with our little spider?' She looked him dead in the eye. 'Because I don't think he will tell me the truth and you can tell when he, or anyone else for that matter, lies.' The man sighed. 'Okay, but I wanna know what it's about.' 'Fine, I will tell you about it on our way.'

He told her about everything she needed to know before they arrived at the room of the teenager. Tony knocked on the door before hearing a soft 'come in'. The two walked into the room, finding the younger spider laying on his bed with his face in his pillow. 'Pete? You okay?' Irondad jumped into 'dad mode' making Natasha smile a little.

Peter sat up and looked at them. 'Yeah I'm good.' The boy said. The elder man walked up to him and said on the end of the bed, Natasha following after him, sitting on the other end. 'I wanted to ask you something. When we were on top of that building, after the ferry incident, you told me you were nothing without the suit. What did you mean with that?' He looked into his so- mentee's eyes. Come on Stark, he's not your son, he wouldn't want a father who is recovering from alcoholism.

'I- uhh, nothing Mr Stark, it's nothing, don't worry about it.' Peter managed to get out. Tony looked at Natasha, mentioning for her to try and get it out of him. 'Yeah, Peter, I think you forgot that I used to be a spy, I can tell when people are lying.' She told the teenager. 'I'm not lying, мама паук, there is nothing.' He said, getting frustrated. 'You know you can talk to us, right маленький паук?' 'Yes, yes I do.' 'Then why don't you tell us the truth?' 'Because I don't want you all to go to prison, all right? I don't want you to get in trouble!' The young arachnid yelled. 'What do you mean, go to prison and get in trouble? Why would we get in trouble?' Tony asked, finding this a right moment to butt in. Peter sighed, knowing that he had to tell them now.

'Before I got bitten by that spider, I was just a weak boy. So I was an easy target for bullies. It was just name-calling though, nothing I couldn't handle. But then we had the field trip to Oscorp and I got bitten. A little while later I became Spiderman and got stronger and all. And because it would be remarkable at school if I got stronger just when a new superhero shows up, I didn't stand up to them. I know that I can take them but I'm scared of hurting them. When the word got out that I had an internship at Stark Industries, it started getting worse. Nothing physical happened, at least, in the beginning. Everyone knows that Stark Industries doesn't take highschool students, so everyone thought I was doing it to be popular. So when I got bullied, the teachers did nothing, saying it was what I deserve for lying to everyone. So when you took the suit away, I only had May, who I couldn't just tell that I was being bullied because she would make me change schools, and Ned and MJ. I really was nothing without the suit.' The boy finished, his eyes getting teary.

He was afraid of looking up to the two Avengers, thinking they would just day to suck it up and not to be a cry baby. He was very confused to feel two sets of arms around him. He hugged them back trying to get the tears from stopping.

'I'm so sorry, bambino, God this is all my fault.' Tony sighed. 'No, no, no, no. Tony, it's not your fault. This is why I didn't want to tell you, I knew you would say this was your fault.' Peter panicked. 'How long were you planning on keeping this from us, маленький паук?' 'Erm, as long as I could?' The little spider answered, a bit unsure of himself. 'AS LONG AS YOU- Bambi you need to tell us these kinds of things.' Natasha unwrapped herself from the hug and went downstairs again. Tony and Peter stayed like that for a little longer.

Tony felt the little spider leaning his head on his shoulder and he got him under the covers, getting out of the bed himself. He walked towards the door and looked back one more time. 'Alright, fuck it.' He whispered to himself. He walked back over to the bed and placed a gentle kiss on his kid's forehead. 'Goodnight bambino.' He whispered. Peter stirred a little before mumbling: 'G'night dad.' Tony was shocked but felt a warm feeling in his chest, smiling a little. 'Good night son.'

When he got downstairs, he was still smiling like a dork. 'What happened with you?' Pepper asked, kissing his cheek. 'He called me dad.' He said, smiling even bigger, if that was possible. Clint handed Natasha 20 bucks while the rest of the avengers just smiled warmly at him.

'Alright, enough of this sappy me.' Tony snapped out of his trance. 'Time to get revenge on those bullies.' He said, while Natasha smirked at him. Yup, Spidey just got himself an Irondad.

~Heyy, so this is my first Marvel fanfiction. I'm hoping to update regurarly, but I have no updat schedule. If I would do that, it would start to feel more as a chore. I'll try to update once in a few days. I hope you can bare with me. Alright, well, imma sleep now. Take care guys!~

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