I'm nothing without the suit (pt 2)

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Quick A/N, I hope to update every week at least once, but since my exams are coming, I'm not sure if I can. When I'm done with the exams I will have lots of free time and I hope to update a lot more then. Until then you'll have to bare with me. Have fun reading this!

The next morning came and Peter could tell something was off. Everyone was happy, not that that was a bad thing, but it was 7 am. No one is happy at 7 am. Tony came into the room and for some reason even he was smiling. Okay, now Peter was sure something was up, Tony was happy and he hadn't even had his coffee yet.

'Erm, guys. Is something wrong?' The young arachnid hesitantly asked. ''Why would something be wrong, маленький паук?' Nat smiled sweetly. 'Okay, first, everyone is awake and it's 7 in the morning. Second, everyone is happy, even Mr Stark when he hasn't even had coffee yet. And lastly, you're being sweet.' Peter said. 'Well, I'm just glad you finally told us.' The older spider informed him. 'Okay, but what about the rest?' 'We've decided that we would have an Avengers training day today.' Steve said. 'Ooh fun, can I join too?' 'Pete, you've got school.' Tony deadpanned. 'But Mr Star-' 'Nope, no Mr Stark anymore.' 'Ugh, To-' 'Nuh-uh. Now that we've gone all the way up to 'dad' I will not accept anything else.' The billionaire smirked. Peter started blushing and looked away. 'Come on kid, time to get to school.' 'Fine. Bye everyone!' He heard a chorus of 'Bye' and 'Have fun' before leaving.

He got downstairs and walked over to the car where Happy was standing. 'Good morning Happy.' Peter chirped happily. 'Morning kid.' Happy grumpily replied. They got in the car and drove to Midtown High.

When they arrived, Peter got out pretty fast, walking over to Ned. 'Hey dude, you think you can come over soon to build my new Lego set.' 'I don't know man. I'm pretty busy lately.' Oh okay, how's it going with your 'internship'?' 'It's pretty good, I told Nat and da- Mr Stark about Flash and they took quite well, I think.' 'Are they finally gonna kill him?' MJ spoke up, coming from out of nowhere. 'Okay, one. No, two. Where did you come from?' Peter answered, startled. 'Damn it, also, from my locker.' Just then the bell rang. 'Alright, let's get to class.'

They walked into their first period, what happened to be English. It was the worst subject for Peter, seeing that their teacher didn't believe Peter either about his internship and stood on the bullies side. 'Good morning class, I have wonderful news for you all.' He said, very excited. 'We are going on a suprise field trip to Stark Industries!' He nearly yelled. The whole class started talking and squealing. 'I guess they didn't take it as well as you though, huh loser.' MJ smirked. 'No, MJ, I guess not.' Peter groaned in annoyance.

-Time skip brought to you by Winter the dolphin-

When they arrived, no one made a sound. They were all too deep in thought. Some people jumped when their teacher told them to get off the bus. Peter waited for everyone to get off of the bus before going himself, thinking it would be best if he stayed hidden the whole trip to prevent embarrassing moments. He walked behind Flash down the few steps. He definitely didn't want to go, he thought about staying in the bus, but then Flash would just say that he's too scared because he's lying.

~Peters POV~

They walked into the building and everyone looked their eyes out. Well, everyone except me and MJ, who still had her nose in a book. Their teacher went over to the information desk and talked with Linda, one of the interns. Everyone started to look around while MJ and I just went over to one of the sofas in the lobby and sat down.

'Good morning everyone.' A feminin voice rang through the lobby. Oh shit. Pepper. 'I will be leading your tour today, first you will be handed badges that give you access to the bathrooms and cafeterias.' She explained. She started handing out the badges. I was the last person, when she came to me she winked and spoke. 'You have your badge with you, right Peter?' I took my badge out of my backpack and showed it to her for confirmation.

'Okay, now before we start, are there any questions?' Cindy raised her hand. 'What do these badges mean?' 'Great question, we have 10 levels here. Level one is white and is for tour groups. Level 2 is orange and is for press. Level 3 is for the janitors and that one is brown. Level 4 is for the interns and they have a grey badge. The scientists have a level 5 badge and that one is colored green. Next we have level 6 which is for security and they have black. Following, we have level 7 which is for the Avenger's family and is yellow. Then comes level 8 which is for the Avengers who are mostly not here, such as, the Black Panther and Captain Marvel. Level 9 is for the Avengers who live here or are here a lot, right now we are speaking of the original six plus Bucky, Sam, Rhodey, Wanda and Vision. They each have a purple badge. And last is level 10, this is only for 4 people, Tony Stark himself, of course, Happy Hogan, the head of security, me and his personal intern.' She smiled at me while saying the last part.

'Any other questions before we go?' This time, Betty raised her hand. 'Miss Potts, why are there so many pictures on that wall?' She asked while pointing at a wall to our left. I would also like to know what that is. It wasn't here when I got home from school yesterday, but it was there when I walked out this morning. Pepper shot the wall a quick glance and smiled. 'All those people are a part of the PPPS, I'm afraid I can't say more than that.'

We went to a few intern labs and saw some projects but I was starting to get a little bored. I mean, I already know everything because Mr Stark made me go here a couple of times. 'Now we will be heading to the cafeterias. After that we will be going to the Avenger's training room. Hopefully we'll get to see the Black Widow or the Winter Soldier.' Oh God no, no please no. This was their plan all along. They organised this whole thing so that they would get their revenge on Flash. Oh my God, they're gonna kill him.

While we were walking to the cafeteria, I tapped Pepper on her shoulder. 'Pe- miss Potts, can I talk to you for a moment?' I asked. She nodded and we waited until everyone was inside the cafeteria before walking a bit further into the hallway. 'Pepper, please don't tell me that everyone is going to be at the gym.' I pleaded. She shook her head. 'Not everyone will be there.' I sighed in relief. 'Bruce was banned in case he would Hulk out, everyone else is there.'

My jaw dropped. Okay, it wasn't as bad without Bruce Hulking out, but still. Natasha could let everyone run away in fear with one look, Bucky would only have to stir a little and everyone would freak out, and don't even let me get started on Mr Stark. I'm pretty sure he has a suit hidden in every room and he wouldn't be afraid to call it.

Yeah okay, Flash is going to die today.

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