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As I wait for Frank's apperance, I stand in silence. I'm too scared to sit on the couch next to Bert, I'm too freaked out to even say anything.

I sigh in relief when I hear the front door open.

"Cousin Gee!" I hear Frank yell.

Oh, this is perfect.

He heightens his Jersey accent, he sounds striaght up Jersey.

"Hey cousin Frankie!" I quickly hug Frank, "Thank you." I whisper.

"Who the hell are you?" Bert shoots up off the couch.

"I'm Gerard's cousin, Frank." Frank extends his his for a handshake, Bert hesitantly shakes his hand.

"Yeah, we actually have some private things to talk about. You know, family things. We need some privacy." Frank explains.

"Nope, I'm staying here." Bert stands his ground.

I look at Frank and nervously tap my foot.

"Well, do you live here?" Frank asks.

"... No." Bert mutters.

"Do you want him here, Gee?" Frank asks.

"Not really." I confidently state.

"Well, I think you should head out kiddo." Frank says to Bert.

"You can't do that!" Bert pouts.

"Actually, yes I can." Frank pulls out a badge from his wallet. "I'm a police officer. So, you should leave or I can call back up on you in seconds." Frank crosses his arms.

Bert's face drops, "Oh, I'll be on my way then." Bert quickly stands up and runs out my apartment.

Once we were sure he was gone I turn to Frank.

"You are a genius!" I wrap my arms around Frank and tightly hug him.

"I told you I've been waiting for something like this to hapoen. I've been saving this fake police officer badge for years." Frank chuckles as he wraps his arms around my waist.

He really is perfect.


Really picture Frank's Jersey accent 10 times stronger than it normally is.


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